b"POLICEAderrien Murry, 11, was shot and wounded by Blacks copBlackMansStreet.today another part of the house and waslocal hospital.shotinthechestbypoliceofficerAnd in Akron, Ohio, a black cop Greg Capers of the Indianola Police was part of several cops who fired T heshootingofan11-year-oldDepartment after everyone had been46bulletsintoJaylandWalker,a boyisBlack-on-Blackhatredordered to leave the house. delivery driver, killing him following fueled by working in a racist system Thisfollowsanincidentina traffic stop. Walker was running ABlackcopinMississippishotMemphis in which five Black copsaway from the police. He had a gun andwoundedan11-year-oldboykilledTyreNichols29,aBlackin his car but it hadn't been fired. who was ordered to call the policemotorist the cops accused of speed- Walker was murdered on June 27, by his mother who feared a domes- ing. 2002.tic dispute with the father of anoth- Nichols was beaten and kicked inSo are Black cops becoming like er one of her children was about thethe head repeatedly by the cops. HeWhite cops and shooting Black men get out of hand. wasstoppedonJanuary7,2023,and boys? AderrienMurrywalkedoutofandhediedafewdayslaterataContinued on Page 1918 JUNE 2023 BOCNEWS.com"