b'Turkeyonthe6thofFeb, 2023,hasarisingdeathtollof 33,000. The combination of thisDrought has left latestearthquakes,theongo-ingHawaiianvolcanicactivity,the Euphrates river theincreasingofasteroidsand droughtareaclearindicationalmost dry, which that we are in the end times.Thereportsofworld-wideis a sure indication droughtarenothingtolaugh about. Water shortages for surethat our time is haventhinderedresidential buildingproduction.Afterall,about up.whoreallycaresifwehaveto startdrinkingrecycledwater straightfromthetreatment plants. It appears that Californiawe be concerned?has recently had a breakthroughWhile taxes, interest rates, gas withfreshmountainwater,butandgrocerypricescontinueto sceptics remain concerned.increase, so will the signs of the On the other side of the world,times. The only thing that wont the drought has left the Euphratesbeincreasingisyourpaycheck. river almost dry, which is a sureIm just glad that I didnt vote for indication that our time is aboutthismess.Watershortagesare up.Reportsshowthatasthea sure sign of the times, and no, river continues to dry, and waterI wont feel bad for golfers when levels shrink, mysterious ancientthewatershutsoff.Violence cavedwellingsarestartingtowillcontinuetoincreaseasthe appear(TheArchaeologist-Decsigns of the times become more 2022).intense. AreweprayingthatGodwillLawenforcementisover-healourland,orpreachingwhelmedwithviolentcrime. that Jesus is Coming Soon? AreJust wait until people are starv-thesignsofthetimespointinginginbreadlines,waitingfor towardsArmageddon?23mil- food and water. Then we will see lionpeopleliveinWesternAsiahow Americans treat Americans. and this current situation couldWhentheLambopenedthe indicate that Biblical Prophecy isthird seal, I heard the third living coming to pass. The sixth angelcreaturesay,COME!Ilooked poured out his bowl on the greatand there before me was a Black riverEuphrates,anditswaterHorse.Itsriderwasholdinga was dried up to prepare the waypair of scales in his hand. Then I for the kings from the East (Revheard what sounded like a voice 16:12NIV84).amongthefourlivingcreatures Thelatestearthquakeinsaying,Aquartofwheatfora Turkey, and the drying up of thedays wages, and three quarts of Euphratesriverclearlyteachesbarley for a days wages, and do thatthecountriesIraq,Syrianot damage the oil and the wine and Turkey are in for hard times.(Re 6:5-6NIV84).KeepinmindthattheBibleisWhilemostPastorsarefiling aPropheticNewspaperofthetheircongregationswithfalse future.Thedryingupofthehopesanddreams,Jesuswill Euphratesriverisnttheonlycontinuetoshakethisplanet. T heGreatwarriorsforandGloom,preachingofthingthatSyriawillbefacing.Hesnotonlywakingupthose Christ,Matthew,Markthe end times was standard,See, Damascus will no longer bewho are falling asleep, but warn-a city, but will become a heap ofingthosewhothinktheyare and Luke taught that in theyet today, its bad for busi- ruins (Isaiah 17:1NIV84). alive. verylastdays,priortotheness. HowaboutColorado?SuperI know your deeds; You have a greattribulation,thesignsstoresarenotallowedtosellareputation of being alive, but you We have to ask ourselves.toiletunlessitsrated1.28gal- are dead. Wake Up! Be Watchful! ofthetimeswillcontinueWhydidourLordteachlonsperflush.ThiscreatesaStrengthenwhatremainsand toincreaseallaroundtheserious problem for older housesisabouttodie,forIhavenot world.Therewillbesignsabout His Soon Coming andwitholderdrainpipesandtreefoundyourdeedscompletein thesignsofthetimes?Noroots. I guess its good for plumb- the sight of My God. Remember, in the sun, moon and stars.question.TheLordisnoters.Coloradonowhasrestric- therefore what you have received Ontheearth,nationswilltions on certain shower fixtures,andheard;obeyit,andrepent. goingtoshareuswiththeonly allowed to sell the ones thatButifyoudonotWakeUp!Be beinanguishandperplex- idolatry of this world (Jameshaveaminimumwateroutput.Watchful! I will come like a thief, ity at the roaring and toss- 4:4-7).WearesupposedtoThe one thing that is not, as ofandyouwillnotknowatwhat ing of the sea. Men will faintnow being required for new hometimeIwillcometoyou(Rev fromterror,apprehensivebecomingoutfromamongbuilds, are hot water pumps.3:1-3NIV84-KJV).it.HeclearlywarnsthatThese small inexpensive pumpsThereisanotherworldwide ofwhatiscomingonthelukewarm Christians will behook onto your hot water supplyfamineandhungerthatis world, for the heavenly bod- linesbringinginstanthotwateralreadyhere,anditsdueto ieswillbeshaken.ThereLEFT BEHIND (Rev 3:14-17,as soon as you turn on the fau- theenormousgrowthofprog-Heb10:32-39).Pleasehelpcet. That means that youre notressandgreed.Thedaysare willbegreatearthquakes,meLord!Ipraythatafterwasting10gallonsjustwaitingcoming,declarestheSovereign faminesandpestilencesinfor the hot water to come out. Lord, when I will send a famine Ipreachtoothers,Imnotthroughtheland-notafamine variousplaces,andfearfulHowaboutresidentialbuild- of food or thirst for water, but a disqualifiedfromtheprizeingrestrictions?Idontseea events and great signs from(1Corinth9:27,Phil3:13- wholelotofrestrictionsforthefamine of hearing the Word of the heaven.Allthesearetheexceptionofgreengrassallow- Lord. Men will stagger from sea 14, Rev 3:10-11). ances. It appears that communi- toseaandwanderfromnorth beginningofbirthpainstoeast,searchingforthe(true) The7.8earthquake,theties are growing faster than ever.WordoftheLord,buttheywill (Luke21:10-28,Matt24:4- Isanyonereallykeepingtrack 7 NIV84).mostpowerfulearthquakeof the water usage. I know thatnot find it (Amos 8:11-12NIV84, in80years,alongwithin most counties, the residential1 Corinth 10:4). May God Bless!Fortyyearsago,thegrowth is almost out of control.Untilnexttime.Jesusis Sundaymorning,Doomthe5.0aftershock,hittingEverywhere you look we see newComingSoon!Areyougoingto housingdevelopments.Shouldbe READY?!8 MARCH 2023 BOCNEWS.com'