b'WORD OF GODPROFILEI Will Never Leave Alpine, a Bank for h,By Mary Lu Saddoris comeOUR CommunityO tomy dear child, I willhour. you in the midnight Hear the words that I am speak-ing to you. Dear one, you have not been abandoned. You are not for- T imothy Floyd is making his mark gotten. You are prime in my sightinthebankingindustry.Heis eachday.KnowthatIAMdoingVice President of Alpine Bank.a work in you that others cannotHe is originally from Pueblo, CO. perceive. AndhisfathercametoPueblo Keepmywordsinyourheart.in1946afterWorldWarII,who Meditateuponthemeachmorn- wasoriginallyfromBirmingham, ing,nightandnoon.ReceiveaAlabama.newness of mind from my words. AllowmywordstobringyoumyAfterthewar,Floydsfatherwas peace that passes all understand- makinghiswaytoCaliforniaand ing. My words also bring a refresh- got off a train in Pueblo, CO and got ing and a restoring to your minda job working at the C.F.I Steel Mill mychild.Resteasyinme,dearandlaterretiredfromthePueblo one.DiscouragementcannotstayArmy Depot. He also had a business withyou.FearandterrorandMary Lu Saddoris on the side.dread must also leave your dwell- I am from Colorado native but still ing place. Child, as you rest easyI will keep you safe and secure ina southerner, says Floyd proudly.in me, my joy will be your strength. the shadow of my wings.Though your friends forsake you,Dr.CarltonJFloyd,hisolderVP, Comm. Dev. Lending - Timothy FloydknowchildIwillstickclosertoPlace all of your hope and trustbrotherwasthefirstAfrican youthanabrother.Iwillneverinmeinalladversity.SicknessAmericantograduatefromDental leaveyou.Iwillholdyouintheanddiseasewillpassoveryou.school at the University of SouthernFirsttimeinmy30-yearcareer hollow of my righteous right hand.Know that you are covered by myColorado in Pueblo. He also had twothatIamabletospecificallygive Storms will come and storms willshed blood child. Trust and knowotherbrothers,LeonardFloydisamoneytobusinesses,individuals go. Know child, I will keep you inI AM bringing you through to myretired diplomat who worked for the-specificallyforhousingandreal my safe harbor. Sing your praisesvictory.PlaceallofyourfaithinU.S. government; and Kenneth Floydestatetoourfolks.WhatImean untoonlyme.Dearone,eveninonly me. My love and care for you,retired from a pharmaceutical com- bymyfolksisbecauseImAfrican thedarkestofnights,knowthatmy child has no ending. My dear,pany and is now into real estate. American, states Floyd who special-dear, precious, precious child. izes in dealing with conventional and Hismother,RosaLeeFloyd,isFHA and VA housing loans, commer-97, and oldest deaconess in the 5thcial and construction loans.DistrictofAMEchurchcurrently member of Shorter A.M.E ChurchFloydattendedtheUniversityBut his focus Though your friends forsake you,ofColoradoinBoulderinthelate 1970s.is seeing more know child I will stick closer to youAfter college, he began his career in the banking industry in Los Angeles. entrepreneur Black-than a brother. I will never leaveIworkedforaCoorsdistribut- owned businesses you. I will hold you in the hollow ofer.ButIusedtoseetheseyoung AfricanAmerican/Latinoguysdriv- and work with the my righteous right hand. Storms willingaroundwearingnicesuitsandfaith communities.askedthemwhattheydid.And they said they were loan officers.I come and storms will go. picked up an L.A. Times and foundWe see the amount of land around acompanythatsaidtheywantedthe faith community and realize con-freshpeopleoutofcollege.AndIgregationsaregettingsmallerbut have been in lending (banking) everwhat are we going to do with those since. assets and how can they benefit our He later left California and returnedcommunitythe parking lot situa-to Colorado and started a companytions around these sanctuaries and called Platinum Financial Group andpartner in co-developing low to mod-Platinum Real Estate. erate income and senior housing for Those companies were sold and hisour folks.ability to speak fluent Spanish andBottomline,itsimportantFloyd Arabicfurtherexpandedhiscareerexpressesthatpeopleknow:We in working for Wells Fargo and Bank(Alpine)areheretopartnerwith of America. them and understand that the lend-This led him to also do some finan- ingcommunityhasalwaysbeen cial consulting work in Saudi Arabiasomethingdaunting.Bankshave and Morocco aresponsibilitytoloantothose disadvantagecommunities.Myjob In2019,Floydagainreturnedtois the task of making sure that hap-Coloradoandstartedworkingforpens.I am from the community, for Alpine Bank. the community and about the com-Alpine Bank has a long history ofmunity.bocnews.com 50 years in Coloradomore than 30TimothyFloydcanbereachedat branchesontheWesternslopeoftimothyfloyd@alpinebank.comHe Colorado, three branches downtowncan be reached at 720-683-7629 and Denver, Cherry Creek, Denver Techhisofficeislocatedat1743Wazee Center,Boulder,FortCollinsandStreet, Ste. 100 in Denver.Colorado Springs.14 MARCH 2023 BOCNEWS.com'