b'END TIMESThe External Exit RampBy Michael FortiI m about to take the eternal EXIT RAMP out of here! I cant wait to be with my Lord! Even though Im with Him in Spirit, I want to be with Him inheaven.FortheLordHimselfAlmighty God is about to lift His hedge will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet callof protection off of this earth and the of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.FLOOD of judgement IS COMING! The After that, we who are still alive and are left will be CAUGHT UP together withtheminthecloudstomeetFour Horseman are about to come the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Thereforeriding out to kill, steal, and destroy. encourageeachotherwiththese words (1 Thess 4:16-18 NIV 84).Michael FortiHowever,FortheythemselvesYou know what? I cant wait! The reportwhatkindofreceptionyou gave us. They tell how you turned tople in the very last days will be enter- sooner the better!God from idols (what are modern daying into the greatest age of deception idols?), to serve the living and trueever. Both inside and outside of the God,andtowaitforhisSonfromchurch.ThoseinsideoftheMAIN heaven,whomHeraisedfromtheSTREAMchurch,inseveralcases, dead-Jesus, who RESCUES us fromwill be dealing with seducing spirits the wrath to come.and doctrines of demons (1Tim 4:1-2). Thequestionissimple.AreweThose outside of the church will be forgetting what lies behind? Are wedealingwith,ForthisreasonGod turningtoGodfromouridols?Isends them a powerful delusion so askmyselfthesequestionseverythat they believe the lie and so that day.Forgetting what is behind andall will be condemned who have not strainingtowardwhatisahead.Ibelieved the truth but have delighted press on toward the goal to win thein wickedness (2Thess 2:12 NIV 84). prizeforwhichGodhascalledme heavenward (Phil 3:13-21). God will cause them to believe the TheLordteachesusthatinthelie?Arewelivingamongthatgen-OldTestament,Hewillnotstriveeration? I would say that our time is withthedeliberatesinofmanfor- about up!ever. For although they KNEW God,AlmightyGodisabouttoliftHis they neither glorified Him as God norhedge of protection off of this earth gave thanks to Him, but their think- andtheFLOODofjudgementIS ingbecamefutileandtheirfoolishCOMING!TheFourHorsemanare heartsweredarkened.Thereforeabouttocomeridingouttokill, Godgavethemoverinthesinfulsteal, and destroy. You know what? desiresoftheirheartstosexualI cant wait! The sooner the better! impurity. Because of this God gaveYes, this world is ripe for evange-themovertoshamefullusts.Helism, as this nation has experienced gave them over to a depraved mind93,000suicideslastyear.Yaright! (Rom 1:18-32). Who is the Lord talk- This anti of Christ, liberal generation ing to?has it all together. You bet they need The unsaved world, or those whoJesus!Howshouldwebereaching thinktheyknowhim?Heforsurethis lost and dying world? Preaching, isstartingtoliftHisAWESOMEbow your head, say this prayer and POWER of forgiveness and grace offbe saved? Or, turn or burn, get on of the face of this earth to those whoyour knees, the King is Coming?!refuse to love the truth.For I am already being poured out Butwhataboutthosewhoclaimlikeadrinkoffering,andthetime to know the Lord, but are now turn- hascomeformydeparture.Ihave ing to some other Jesus, some otherfought the good fight, I have finished GospelandsomeotherSpirit?(1the race, I have kept the faith. Now Corinth 12, 2 Corinth 11- Galatiansthere is in store for me the CROWN of 1)RIGHTEOUSNESS,whichtheLord, Will the Lord strive with man for- theRighteousJudge,willawardto ever?Absolutelynot!Ourageofme on that Day-and not only to me, grace is about up, and the exit rampbut to all who have LONGED for His is approaching, that is, for those whoappearing (2Tim 4:1-8 NIV84). want to take it. Its your free choice.Iamreadytogetoffonthe He is patient with you, not wantingETERNALexitramp!Thesooner anyonetoperish,butEVERYONEthe better! Until next time. Jesus is tocometorepentance(2Pet3:9ComingSoon!Areyougoingtobe NIV84).ready?!Areyougettingoffonthe The Lord clearly teaches that peo- right ramp?BODY OF CHRIST NEWS AUGUST 2021 7'