b'SCRIPTUREWhen to See A Doctor"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,professionals are trained and have experience deal- and this may not require an emergency room visit or cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give." ing with urgent issues.calling 911. It is difficult to describe every situationMatthew 10:8 Inaddition,wehavephysi- thatmightarisethatrequires cians able to deal with urgentER care.situations. At times relative to By Byron Conner, MD a patients age group, there areSOME REASONS TO CALL A thosewhomayhavespecialDOCTOR-SOME NEED AN ER needssuchastheelderlyor T here comes a time for all of us sooner or laterinfants or very young patients.OR OFFICE VISIT shortness when we have to see a physician. We will see aPatientswithheartdisorders,Neworworsened doctor as a routine task or we may go as a matterlung diseases or diabetes needof breath with exertionof necessity as we have an acute need to seek assis- special care as well as ill very tance. Let me share with you some reasons why weDizzinessoranaboutto need to seek medical attention as this may help inyoung patients. faint feelingmaking a correct decision. We may have to see a doc- VISITSFORANACUTESevere headache that peaks tor for one of thereasons as outlined below.ISSUE: in intensity within secondsAttimeswhenacuteissuesUnexplained weight lossROUTINE VISIT: arises an Emergency room visit Because of a chronic or routine condition, medicalis needed. Seizurescare may be needed. Thus it may be necessary to seeExacerbationofachronicNumbnessorweaknessin a doctor, dentist, eye doctor (ophthalmologist). Youlung condition, severe increasearms legs or facemay need to see a primary care doctor or gynecolo- in blood glucose readings withRapidorgallopingheart-gist for female health issuessymptoms of weakness or rapidbeats (palpitations)These medical professionals can refer you as need- breathing. Use of chemothera- Black or bloody stoolsed to other health care specialists for more focusedpy drugs and acute illness.or specialized care. We are fortunate that there are aConner Suddenstoppingofperi-number and type of heath care professionals in ourSigns of a stroke with weak- odscountry. In addition when issues are urgent, healthness on one side of the body or persistent pain on one side inPersistent or severe abdomi-the arm or chest as in a heart attack. It is difficultnal painto describe every situation needing emergent care. Arashthatispainful,involvesswelling,or Do not hesitate to call a physician if you think thisoozesBe sure to discuss changes in youris needed. If you or someone in your family thinks urgentcareisneededthencallforassistance.At body and new symptoms with yourtimes a phone call is all that is needed and later careIf you have new changes in your body with discom-fort or new signs or symptoms discuss these with medical provider! is possible. your medical provider. At times it may be necessary to call your doctorMay God bless you and give you good health.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS AUGUST 2021 5'