b'WORD OF GOD God is Calling All His ChildrenBy Mary Lu SaddorisM y dear precious child, you will hearcriesandevenscreams forhelpandyouwillrespond.I will use you to save someone right where you are. In that moment you willrespondtothatcryandsave them from being beaten and hurt. You will use all of your resources to find the victim and help them.Mychild,therearemanymore crying out for help in this world. Somehavebeenwhippedand beaten.Somearestarvingfor lackoffood.Andsomehave become so lost they do not even know which way to go.Child,standandbeready.BeMary Lu Saddorispreparedinseasonandoutof season.GoforthinmyHoly Name.IAMcallingyoudearto receive me and follow me will child. I will use you in great andbe saved from the coming wrath. small ways. Be prepared to speakThey will join me and dine with outmywordtobringcomfortme at the Marriage Supper of the to the wounded. Be prepared toLamb.bring eternal life to those who are lost and dying. Child,beencouragedforIAM Child,bestrongandofagoodcoming soon to bring you home courage for you are not alone. Itoyourforeverhomewithme. AMwithyouatalltimes.IwillMy dear, dear, precious, precious give you the words to speak. Mychild.Words will bring peace to them. MyWordswillbringeternallife unto them. Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Go forth into this world in my Holy Name.This is your call to be used of me.I AM with you at I AM calling others to come and walk with you in my harvest field.all times. I will give Inthismidnighthour,goforth and set the captives free. Speakyou the words to forthmylifegivingWordtoall thatyouencounter.TheWordsspeak. My Words thatyouspeakwillbringforth eternal life unto them. They willwill bring peace to prayforforgivenessandreceive meintotheirheartsandlives.them. My Words They will be changed forever. And one day they will dwell with me in my forever home. will bring eternal Allow my Holy Spirit to lead youlife unto them. and to guide you, my dear one. Though the way seems so dark,Lay hands on the rejoice for I AM making a way for you where there seems to be nosick and they shall way. I AM allowing the shaking in this world. I AM calling out todayrecover.for all people and nations to come unto me.Time is of the essence. Know that IAMcomingagainformypre-cious bride. All those who chose 1.CECE WINANS - MORNING CHURCH VOL.1BELIEVE FOR IT 6.TODD DULANEY - 2.EDWRIN SUTTON - ANTHEMS & GLORYTHE REVIVAL 7.ELEVATION WORSHIP - 3.ESSENTIAL GOSPEL HITSOLD CHURCH BASEMENT- VARIOUS 8.BEN TANKARD - SHINE4.JASON CLAYBORN - GOD9.MARVIN SAPP - CHOSENMADE IT BEAUTIFUL 10 TAMELA MANN - 5.MOSES TYSON -SUNDAYOVERCOMER6 AUGUST 2021 BOCNEWS.com'