b'PARENTS, PASTORS, PROFESSIONALS . continued from page 15This may not be easy at first but make time for per- needcommunityactivitiesthatdrawyouthalongThey need to know how to think and process real sonal prayer, family prayer and devotions. Some kidswith classes and bible studies that will build strongtruthandfactsratherthanwhatthemediasays. mayrebelandthingscouldgetworsebeforetheyfamilies. Tutoring in school work, computer classesWhydoweletmarxistsandsocialistsleadusto get better but exercise your God given authority asand athletic programs could help. Churches shouldprotestfromtheirmilliondollarhomeswhenwe a parent and God will honor you. We have shunnedalso ask how they can support the schools in theirdont know if we can pay the rent next month for our our responsibilities for too long and let others dictateareas. apartments? Yet there are no protests or marches how we are to guide our families - it did not used toProfessionals,canyoucomeawayfromthegolffor black on black crime, abortions in our neighbor-be this way. Teach your children how to resolve con- courseandteachyoungpeopleaboutfinances?hoods, high drop out rates or illiterate unchurched flict, manners and to respect the feelings of others. Can you set up some part-time jobs? Can you be aminority kids.Parents,getinvolvedinyourchildseducation.mentor before the gangs initiate another boy? VisitWe used to have strong families with morals and Find out why Johnny cant read. Visit the school,a school, volunteer to give a speech about how youvalues. We used to value education because there get to know the principal, teachers and staff. Knowbecame a dentist, doctor, engineer or good citizen.was a time when Blacks were not allowed to read or whats being taught, how its being taught and whatOur kids need to see someone that looks like themreceive an education. We feared God, went to church, books are used. Volunteer at the school if you can. that has succeeded in life. There are very few men ofrespected others and ourselves. Tithing can also be Pastors,whathappenedtoSundaySchoolandcolor that teach. Students see Black men as admin- a blessing to our families as well as the church. If we strong youth programs? Why has the church failedistrators, coaches, custodians and security but notdo not get back to basics by making God, our fami-toattractyouth,especiallyouryoungmales?Wemany teachers. They need to see you and hear you. lies and repentance a priority, our kids and students will not be equipped or prepared for the future.ADVERTISEYOUR CHURCH HERE! email information to:info@bocnews.com16 JUNE 2021 BOCNEWS.com'