b'COMMUNITYParents, Pastors and ProfessionalsBy Dwayne BurrisT hereareanumberoffamilies, churches, communities, business-es and schools doing an excellent job, howeversomearebeingleftbehind for various reasons. This is not a put down but merely an observation of a parent, now a grandparent, one that has worked in a church, a jail and a school.Ifyouvisitmanyofourschools, youll notice anger, profanity, the use ofthen-word,disruption,alackof respect for authority and saggin. Our kids are being programmed for failure. Godestablishedthefamily,church andgovernment.Thesethreeshould worktogethertodevelopastrongDwayne Burrissociety, (a threefold cord is not quickly broken -Ecclesiastes 4:12).I believe we have lost a generation toand values. Our children do not know senselessviolenceandwhilethevio- their History and their aspirations con-lence continues we are losing anothersistofbecomingathletesorrappers. generation of beautiful children due toOur boys need to see positive examples neglect. of manhood and our girls need to focus The duty and responsibility of childonsomethingelsebesideshowsoon care,characterbuilding,discipline,they can lose their virginity.teachingandtrainingbeginsintheDreamsandprioritiesmustbe home.Parentsmuststepuptothemore than jeans, jewelry or the latest plate and do better. Parenting can beJordans.Ivetalkedtoyoungpeople veryrewardingbutitsatoughjob,that dont know a Pastor or the mean-especially today. Single parents, momsingofeternallife.Somehavenever in particular need help in a number ofgonetochurch.Ourgirlsarenot ways.taught how to dress appropriately and In addition to parents and other fam- ourboysdonotweartheirpants ily members, pastors and professionalsaround their waists - thats a sign of a are needed to stand in the gap for ourreal waste. Many young men today do kids. Education is more than the 3 Rs,not even own belts while girls attend our children need to be taught moralsschoolwearinghouseshoesin30 degree weather. They have phones in theirpockets,ifnotintheirhands, expensive tattoos on their bodies but notmuchcommonsenseintheir heads.Theyre being shot, committing sui-cidewhilenotreadytomeetaHoly God; getting pregnant and not ready to Dreams andtake care of a child. They are going to Detention Centers, jails and prisons to priorities must bebe statistics in a bias judicial system with a revolving door.more than jeans,Dads where are you? You are needed toprotect,provideforandbethe jewelry or the latestpriestsofyourhomes.Youareto cherish, nurture and lead your wives. Jordans. Ive talkedMoms, why are you letting your sons anddaughterssleepwiththeirboy-to young people thatfriends and girlfriends when you are at home with them?dont know a PastorMake some rules and adhere to godly standards.Itstartsathome.Dont or the meaning ofallowprofanity,then-wordandany music, movie, tv show or video game eternal life. Someinyourhousethatisnotpositive. Throwoutalcohol,cigarettes,drugs have never gone toand weed. Do Not -do not allow your kids to have access to guns or let them church. hang out with people that carry them. Monitorwhatyourkidswatchand what they listen to. Know their friends and where they go. In other words, get to know your child and if you need to change - do it, lives are at stake.Continued on Page 16BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JUNE 2021 15'