b'Elijah McCoy (1844-1929) E lijahMcCoywasbornin Colchester,Ontario,Canada,of parents who had escaped slavery in Kentuckythroughtheunderground railroad.Laterhisfamilysettledin Michigan. Elijah became interested in mechan-ics and went to Edinburgh, Scotland, toserveanapprenticeshipin mechanical engineering. He returned to the United States as a full-fledged mechanicalengineerbutcouldnot obtainapositionbecausenocom-pany would hire a black man in such askilledcapacity.Hetookajobas a fireman on the Michigan Central Railroad where one of his duties was to keep the engine oiled. At that time trains had to stop periodi-cally so that all the moving parts could be lubricated. The same was true of factory machines. Elijah developed a "lubricating cup" which distributed oil automatically throughout the machinery as needed. He received a patent for his invention, the automatic lubricator in 1872. Elijah McCoy invented a number of devices for lubrication locomo-tive engines and refined his lubrication system for use on all vehicles and air brakes. His mechanical genius brought him more than fifty registered patents. Buyersofheavydutymachinerywerenotinterestedunlessthe machinery had the "McCoy system" of lubrication and always asked "Is it the real McCoy?"DECEIVED . continued from page 6Biden didnt bother to make any prom- not acted when he did the death toll isestoblacksduringhiscampaign,would have been in the millions!!! Or and he hasnt done anything for blacksthatBidenloudlydisagreedwiththe in47yearsofpolitics.HedidmakewearingofmasksandcalledTrump his sentiments about black folks veryparanoid. evident by calling us monolithic (pret- NancyPelosiencouragedpeopleto tymuchsheep),hewasvehementlycomeondowntoChinatownevery-against bussing/segregation; wrote thethingisfine,dontstayhomeand infamous3strikeslawbeginninganwho held onto stimulus checks for 7 era of mass incarceration of black menmonths while citizens suffered because like the world has never seen. One his- she didnt want Trumps signature on torian said that at one time there werethem. They wanted to keep us focused more black men incarcerated than theonhate,andremaindividedandon totalnumberofslavesinthe1865!theDemocratplantation,wherethey he had the audacity to say that if wecancontrolusandkeepusunder didnt vote for him, we werent black;their thumb which some people clearly promisedtodoawaywithcharterenjoy, and simply dont care about the schools and fracking; promised to shuttruth. down oil companies and open our bor- If there is one thing that this election dersunchecked-allthingsthatwillhas taught us it is that there is corrup-negativelyaffectblackssignificantly,tion in our nations capital and huge from jobs to education. Very soon youdisconnectbetweenthoseinoffice may be witnessing a new America thatandtheirconstituents.Wenowhave resemblesnothingoftheoneweve(through fraudulent means) one party known.thatcontrolsthecongressandthe SowhatexactlyareblackfolkssoPresidency. This is the same party that happy about?Kamala Harris is halfhasliedtoblacksfordecades,going Jamaican and half euro-Asian (whichallthewaybacktotheNewDeal isnotAsianitsIndian).ShewasunderRoosevelt,makingusbelieve sworn into the senate as Indian, notthey have our best interest at heart but AfricanAmerican,sheneverclaimednever did.Yes, the American people to be one of us until she joined Bidensdidindeedspeakinthis2020elec-ticket. But we didnt care because shetion,theyspokeloudandclearthat lookedlikeus.Wedidntknowthatthey wanted democracy, and freedom she had a record of running a corrupttoremain,thingsthatourelection crime lab in Cali, which resulted in herprocessideallyshouldundergirdbut knowingly sending many black men towhichisnowsteepedinskepticism jail while AG of California. These areandtarnishedquitepossiblybeyond the people who now lead this country,repair.Enjoyyourcurrentprivileges only ignorance would lead someone towhile you can and pray without ceas-say that this is better than the prioring. Always remember that God is on administration. Many even blame thethe throne and it is He who is in ulti-Presidentfor400thousandCOVIDmate control regardless of who sits in deaths,buttheyneglectedtoreportthe oval office. He that keepeth Israel that the experts, like Fauci and othernever slumbers or sleeps.scientistsclearlysaidthatifhehad BODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2021 7'