b'END TIMESThere\'s a New World Coming SoonBy Michael Forti who are already perishing. "They per- puttodeath.Allmenwillhateyou ish because they refused to love thebecause of me, but he who STANDS Truthandsobesaved.ForthisFIRM till the end will be saved" (Matt H ello friends! We are in the last ofreason,Godsendsthemapowerful10:21-22 NIV84). up! During times the last days, and Satan is prowl- delusion so that they will believe theIt\'s time to wake ing around like a roaring lion, deceiv- lie, and so that all will be condemnedofpersecution,theApostleswere ing as many as possible. He can\'t waitwhohavenotbelievedinthetruth,walking in the anointing, raising the for the Rapture to take place, so thatbuthavedelightedinwickedness"dead,healingthesick.Nowisthe hecandevourthosewhoareLEFT(2Thess 2:10-12NIV 84).timetosnatchthelostoutofthe BEHIND.He\'salreadyontheram- HaveyounoticedthatpeopleareFIRE!"FortheSpiritoftheLordis page, killing, stealing, destroying, andstartingtoshortcircuit?Manyareon Me; therefore He has anointed Me he\'sgettingawaywithitmorenowgoing to wake up real fast when theyto preach Good News to the poor. He thanever.Healreadyhasmuchofrealize they are now victim\'s of whathas sent Me to proclaim freedom for mainstream Christianity thinking thatthey just voted for.theprisoners,andrecoveryofsight they\'re saved when they\'re not. to the blind, to release the oppressed, This lost and deceived world is hat- However,Godisabouttoremindand to proclaim the year of the Lord\'s ing anything that has to do with Jesusthis arrogant world that He sits on thefavor" (Luke 4:18-19-84NIV).Christ, and Satan is devouring thoseThrone, and no one will ever be able to stand up to His Mighty POWER! It\'s time to be bold, even in times ofpersecution!Jesusdidnottake Michael Forti the path of least resistance when He preached, especially when it came to ministering to those who thought they Thespiritofantichristisalreadyknew God. "And he will go before the rolling out the red carpet for the trueLord, in the Spirit and power of Elijah, It will be devastating for those whoantichristtostepontothescene.Ittoturntheheartsofthefathersto lies and deceives, yet blames you fortheirchildrenandthedisobedient are left behind. They will have tothewreckage.Theliberalnewshastothewisdomoftherighteous-to brainwashedthemindsofunbe- makeREADYapeoplepreparedfor make a choice to either receive the Lord,lieverstothepointthatifyoueventheLord"(Luke1:17NIV84).Those mentionthenameofJesus,you\'rewho are prepared will suffer end time or receive the mark. Heaven or Hell? verbally flogged. persecution. They can take our free-Thedayisherefriends,"Brotherdom, our guns, our Civil Rights, and willbetraybrothertodeath,andaour lives, but they will never take our fatherhischild;childrenwillrebelJESUS! against their parents and have themContinued on Page 52 FEBRUARY 2021 BOCNEWS.com'