b"POLITICSPOINT - COUNTER POINTAmerica is Great Again!Hallelujahsion, the lies and chaotic riots at theit By Sheila Smith nationsCapitalbuildingthatcostBut while Democracy can be periodi-lives will people ask was it worth it?cally delayed it can never be perma-Was it worth embarrassing our coun- nently deletedIsurethemajorityofAmericatry to act crazy and destroy becauseWe will rise from the gold-limbed hills am alongwithmyselfwatchedwiththings didnt go your way?heartfeltprideandsenseofreliefRepublicanssobentoutofshapeof the Westthatourcountryisbackontrackthat their beloved Donald Trump didWewillrisefromthewind-swept asnewleadershipwassworninonnot win need to move past this andNortheast where our forefathers first Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 2021. bow their heads in shame. realized revolution.Forme,itwasanoverwhelmingColoradoRep.DougLamborn-We will rise from the lake-rimmed cit-spiritualsenseofgratitudetoknow(Republican) skipped the Inaugurationies of the Midwestern statesGod remains in control and removedbecauseofCOVID-19restrictions. the darkness and allowing us to seeThats a joke and we know he is fullWe will rise from the sun-baked Souththe light again. of it. Wewillrebuild,reconcileand No more plagues of a pandemic as aColoradoRep.LaurenBoebert- recover.vaccine has been found. Jobs coming(Republican)whogoesaroundtot- For there is always light. If only we back to those in need of work. FinancialingaguninWashingtonD.C.andwere brave enough to see itrelief for those families struggling. AndsaysitisherConstitutionalrightis Hope to those in despair. stupidanddoesntevenknowwhat To see three former presidentsBillSheila Smith theConstitutionreallymeans.SheNamed National Youth Poet Laureate Clinton, George W. Bush and BarackrefusedtoattendtheInauguration.andaHarvardUniversitygraduate, Obama standing together to reflect onHowever, she thinks she is so PatrioticAmanda Gorman, 22 years old, over-Joe Biden being sworn in as the 46thtrue for many little girls by inspiringbut instead is the worst kind of fakecameherspeechimpedimentlike PresidentoftheUnitedStateswasandshowingthemthattheycandoAmerican.PresidentBiden.Shehasabrilliant beautiful. anything.Sheisthefirstwoman,future ahead of her and will do great whoisofBlackandAsianethnicity,Immigrants who come to this coun- things.Obamasaidtheswearinginofato be sworn in as Vice-president of thetrytohaveabetterlifearemoreThat is why the First Lady, Dr. Jill president has been a long-time tradi- United States. Americanthanthesetwoso-calledBiden,becameabigfanofAmanda tionthatisapeacefultransitionofAnd to see former Vice-President Joeindividuals.They are about self andandwantedhertospeakatthe power.We are at our best when weBiden become the oldest person to bepreservation of their own race.Yes, IInauguration.are all moving in the same direction. sworn in as President shows you agesaid it. It speaks to the institutional integ- is only a number. It is about Integrity,And Black Republicans who followedSoifthereisanythingwehave rityofourcountry,statedBush.IfCharacter and Wisdom on doing whatandsupportedevilnessforthepastlearnedgoinginto2021comesfrom Americanslovedtheirneighborslikeis right that counts.four years need to learn a lesson fromthe Word in Luke 11:17 they love themselves then a lot of thisNooneisperfectandweallhavethe young Black lady Amanda Gorman Any kingdom divided against itself division in our society would end. our faults.We are born into a world ofwho spoke so eloquently on the stepsislaidwaste;andahousedivided Its a new beginning and everybodysin.Only Gods beloved son Jesus isof the Capital during the Inauguration.against itself falls.needs to get off their high horse andperfect and that is why we must try toHere are some words from her speech: We want God to continue blessing us make this possible, added Clinton emulate his goodness. Weve seen a force that would ratheras the World leader and great country KamalaHarrismadedreamscomeIjusthopedespitepoliticaldivi- shatter our nation rather than sharethat America once was.Dont Be DeceivedBy Linda Waller Short, Activist tory! Trump sent billions to rat infested Baltimoreads calling for the deaths of the Central Park 5 were and forgotten Flint, MI; he forgave all the debt fromuntrue (you can see the actual ad online). HBCUs that had been incurredTheBLMmovementstart-7 4MillionAmericansprobablydidnotwatchintheaftermathofHurricaneedwhenTrayvonMartindied theinaugurationofPresidentBiden,choosingKatrina.HesetupEconomicwhichwasundertheObama not to forego the hypocrisy and corruption of whatImprovement zones in the innerAdministration,notTrumpso America has become. Its interesting because 4 yearscities, made it easier for smallwhy is he blamed for the divi-agothatshowDemocratsfeltabouttheTrumpblack businesses to get fundingsion?Whereisallthishavoc Presidency, but heres the difference, we knew thatand poured millions into them.andstrifeandwhitesuprem-our country was about to experience something goodHe urged Congress to approveacy, hes responsible for? This and only the ignorant were fearful.schoolchoiceforinnercitypastsummeritwastheBLM Wevejustexperienced4yearsofawarfreeblack children so that they weremovementsexploitationthat America!Nomilitaryfamilieslostlovedonesduenot confined to sub-par, dilapi- stirred up most of the peaceful tofightingonforeignsoil,Hallelujahthankyoudated schools. Many blacks doriots, so why didnt they report Jesus! The black poverty and unemployment ratesnot know these things becausethe truth and why didnt we call werelowerthanhadeverbeenrecordedinhis- it wasnt reported, but you canthemonit?Renownedblack read this and more, like facili- economist Thomas Sowell said, tatingunprecedentedpeaceWhat'stragicisthatthere's btwn Israel and Iran and whichso many people out there who he was nominated 3 times forsimply respond to words rather Nobelpeaceprizes;hegotN.thanaskthemselves'Iswhat Koreatostopmanufacturingthispersonsaystrue?How nuclear weapons, made ChinacanIcheckit?insteadwe back down, and there is moreLinda Short blindlybelievingsplicedand The BLM movement startedthatyoucanreadatwww. diced videos on YouTube, and whitehouse.gov.opinionsfrompaidnewscast-when Trayvon Martin diedThe Democrats who own mainstream media (CNN,ers and Twitter, Facebook and Instagram feeds. Mr. MSN, MSNBC, ABC,CBS etc.) and Hi-Tech (Google,Sowellalsosaid,andIagreethat,unfortunately, which was under the ObamaMicrosoft, Amazon) refused to report anything posi- werelivinginatimewherenooneexpectshard tive about Trump even though this news benefittedevidence. You just repeat some familiar words and Administration, not Trump a great many Blacks. Instead, they chose to reportpeople will react pretty much the way Pavlovs dog widespreadstrife,riots,andwhatevertheycouldwas conditioned to react to certain sounds. use to sow division most of which was of their ownThe past Presidents that attended the inaugura-making.To this day there is no evidence that Trumption didnt do anything specifically for us! President was/is a racist. The apartment claims from the early 70swereneverbroughttocourtbytheDeptofContinued on Page 7Justice and the allegation that he took out full page 6 FEBRUARY 2021 BOCNEWS.com"