2 BOCNEWS.com JULY 2018 Jesus articulated clearly the expectations of the disciples once He returned to heaven to sit at the right hand of God. He said, “Go and make disciples of all people everywhere, baptizing them and teach- ing them to obey everything that I have commanded of you.” Matthew 28:19-20 These verses are commonly referred to as the Great Commission. In addition to the great commis- sion a command was also given He said, “Love God with everything you are and everything you have and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:29-30) March 8-20, 2018 a team of 7 Ministers jour- neyed from Colorado, California and Pennsylvania to South Africa including Zambia, Copper Belt, Johannesburg and other villages to share their gifts and talents with pastors, leaders and laymen’s throughout the area on the topics of discipleship, evangelism and stewardship. The Church must continue to uphold and live out the command and the commission through evan- gelism, discipleship and justice for the sake of the Gospel and mankind. It is reiterated by the apostle Peter in his early writings to the Church in 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Moreover, Jesus is calling His children from all walks of life and from all nations of the world to share in word, action, and deed the good news by modeling love and compassion to all people. May we remind you that we live in a broken and divided world; racially, economically, socially, politi- cally and in so many other tragic ways as well. The evidence is obvious because it is all around us. The church is God’s answer to this brokenness, a visible sign of God’s grace and a hopeful promise of the peace that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus makes possible. The commission and the command of the Church are to be obedient to the Word of God and become intentional disciples and abide in the power of God’s Holy Spirit that flows through us. As the apostle Paul writes, “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by having enough of everything, you may share abun- dantly in everything” 2 Corinthians 9:8. When we are generous and share what God has given to us, we not only bless others, but by strengthening our trust in Him, we give God the opportunity to bless us further. We are yet overwhelmed by the warm and gener- ous welcome extended to us when we visited South Africa. The joy, energy, love and gratitude shown to us were contagious. We remember clearly the words of one of the pastors who said, “We thank God for your coming. You have empowered us with confi- dence and knowledge. Our Churches will never be the same.” For all that and more, we are eternally grateful to share in the experience in showing love to God’s people in South Africa. John and I were transformed and grateful throughout the journey while we served as a clergy couple on the Mission field. May the peace of Christ be with you! The Commission andThe Command The Mission team joins the local Clergy for dinner Mary gives greetings to Sisters & Brothers at Natuseko Baptist Church in Kabwe Praise team at Baptist Center in Kalulisha Steve waits for the team at the Caplinga Guest House in Lusaka Group Photo Mary and a Tribal Man Elders from Nancefield Baptist Church Leadership team celebrates the last day of the conference with John, Mary, and Eleazar Ida and Mary By Pastor John & Mary Tellis We live in a broken and divided world; racially, economically, socially, politically and in so many other tragic ways as well. SCRIPTURE