15 JULY 2018 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS SEEKING GRANT WRITER We are seeking a Grant Writer for our Continual work in women prisons, housing our New Mentoring/Care Program and our work with our Free Support and Counseling groups and book outreaches. (see our work @ www.covenanthouseoflove.com we are 21 year non profit outreach to emotionally, hurting and wounded women in our community, prisons, Now Mentoring Programs. Thank you for your Referrals and Thanks for All your Prayers and Support and HELP! Love: Pastor Polly Sanders-Peterson @autumnazaleas www.covenanthouseoflove.com 1 877 744 2122 for more information call Cloria at 720-535-6909 on word of faith movement. Are you hearing me? They began to preach on faith, on the just shall live by faith and so on. And it ushered into the body of Christ greater depth of revela- tion of all around prosperity through faith. Many of you know that Kenneth E. Hagin is one of those men of God that God raised during that time. E.W. Kenyan was one of those that God raised during that time. And the word of faith movement then expanded the prosperity message from just prosper- ity of soul, you will get ok when you get to heaven. And then they said you can be rich now. And God gave them a deeper revelation of his word. That you can prosper in all areas of your life to which I say amen. Now, the Holy Spirit confirmed those messages and there was tremendous outpouring of prosperity into the church. Today the church is no longer poor. In some era when they say you are as poor as a church rat. That means you are very holy. Now, in fact I said on in some churches they said Lord keep him humble, we will keep him poor. So, they make sure they don’t pay their Pastor well so that he won’t miss heaven. So, the Pastor is always broke. When you ask him to pay attention he says I can’t afford it. Because he’s so broke. Those move- ments they thought the poorer they were the holier they are. But we real- ize the devil was cheating us in some other parts of God’s sight that we don’t know. So, when the word of faith move- ment came they opened our eyes to the revelation to the in depth of the fact that Christ didn’t die for you to remain poor. He was made poor, so that you could be made rich. Hallelujah, each of these mes- sages that God was sending to us never down played other messages. For instance, the faith healing move- ment, the healing movement did not down play the revelation that came from the holiness movement. Nor did the holiness movement downplay the faith movement. In fact, we realize that instead the doctrine and teach- ing that we received from holiness movement formed a foundation for the establishment of the faith movement. I remember in those days when we first started some of us we would gather in my mother’s house and we would be praying all night. We would be disturbing everybody in the neighborhood and my brother would come home and he would say, guys just because you are praying doesn’t mean you should wake everybody up. We looked at him as though he had backslid. You know, what is he talking about? This man has backslid. We are fervent but zeal without knowledge. He would say but you can do the same thing without disturbing everybody. In fact, we have one guy. We have a gong, you know that iron you beat to each other and it make noise. And the guy beat it so much that the iron bent. You can imagine how much deci- bels of noise we were dispelling in the middle of the night. We would beat drum, I mean at 2 am. We don’t know the bible says when you wake up early in the morning trying to bless your neighbor with a loud voice it’s regarded as a curse to you. We don’t know that, but God met us even in our ignorance. We’ve been enjoy- ing the beauty of ignorance but let me tell you. God will not keep you ignorant forever. There will come a time that there will be revelation and when revelation comes what heaven is expecting of you is transformation. Changing of ways, changing of mind, changing of thinking. So that you will begin to move into the fullness of what God wants you to move in. Say amen to that. So, we have the same relation- ship existed between the faith healing movement and word of faith move- ment. In fact, we discovered that most of the word of faith preachers were mentored by the faith healing move- ment preachers. So, they were build- ing upon it. Why are you saying that Pastor? I am saying this that we are now entering yet into another dispen- sation. Where the message that God is sending to the church is the message of righteousness. Are you hearing me? Because Jesus is coming for a church without spot and wrinkle. And it is not the church that manmade righteousness will prepare. Now each of those movements were attacked by the people. When the faith healing movement started people attacked it. What are you talking about? By whose author- ity are you doing this? When the holi- ness movement came people attacked it. When the word of faith movement came people attacked it. When the righteousness message come we, all expect people to attack it. But it doesn’t make them right eventually they will realize that it is the word of righteousness that will usher Christ kingdom into this earth. Are you hear- ing me? That is why you must make sure that you pay particular attention to every teaching. The Bible says seek first the kingdom and righteousness. Why do you need to seek it? Seek what righteousness in Christ really means. It’s not your righteousness. Are you here? Ephesians 4:11-13 (amplified) He himself appointed and gave men to us. Some to the Apostles which are special messengers, some Prophets inspired teachers and expounders, some Evangelist’s preachers of the gospel, traveling missionaries. Some Pastor’s shepherds of his flock and Teachers. His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints, his consecrated people. That they should do the work of ministering towards building up Christ’s body, which is the church. That it might develop until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the full and accurate knowledge of the Son of God that we might arrive at mature manhood, the completeness of per- sonality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ’s own perfection. The measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and the com- pleteness found in him. When I was reading that passage goose bumps began to raise within me because I realize God had a dream, it’s not Martin Luther King that first had a dream. It was God that had a dream. He said I have a dream today, I have a dream that all that were made in my image will begin to enjoy the fullness of why I created them. Nothing miss- ing nothing broken in their life. Even when they fail I’ll make sure I pay for it upward so that they can return to me in the name of Jesus! When I think about that I say thank you Lord. See every message of the Holy Spirit is propagating to the church based on need and with the events in the world pointing to the fact that the end time is coming there is no doubt in my mind that the church needs to be pre- pared for the coming of Jesus. YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS ... continued from page 11