Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 245 MARCH 2017 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Pastor Remains a Strong Trump Supporter With all the protests over his presidency, people not being allowed back into the country who are not citizens and addressing Congress for the first time since being elected, President Donald Trump has had his hands full in bringing this country together. And Pastor Nathan L. O’Neal is watching closely in hopes that this is what this president will do. Pastor O’Neal is a strong Trump supporter and conservative Black Republican. He is the senior pastor at Light of the World Discipleship Church located at 4008 Cook St. in Denver. He said he was not surprised that Trump won the presidential election because of how the main- stream media was pushing for Hillary Clinton. “There are a lot of Black conservatives around the country and many right here in the Metro Denver area,” Pastor O’Neal claims. Pastor O’Neal say’s President Barack Obama calls himself the ‘Post-racial’ President, as if racism no longer exists. “I did not vote for Obama either time,” stated Pastor O’Neal. “I was hopeful that he would do something to help our ethnic demographics. Giving people hope and change that he talked about. We needed to come togeth- er as a country and stop worrying about being a White American, Black American, Native American, but bring us to a place where we could all be just Americans. He didn’t do that and only heightened the divide going on between the ethnic groups.” “In my opinion, he set race relations back 60 years.” Pastor O’Neal admits that President Trump is no politician, but claims he has done what he said he would do if elected to office. “Business people have confidence in his policy in respect to business. So I think he will ultimately be successful.” RELATIONSHIP Pastor Nathan L. O'Neal RACE IDENTITY Dr. Barbar Shannon-Banister of the City of Aurora Community Relations Division, Pictured with Michael Fosberg, that at age of 30 found out that he was Black. Michael Fosberg has been working to create a national dia- logue on race and identity since 2001, when he launched his one - man autobiographical play “ Incognito.” The play is his revelatory true story of being raised thinking he was white, only to discover 30 years later in life that his biological Father is a light skinned Black Man . The event took place at Community College of Aurora Centre Tech Campus fine Arts Building during Black History Month. A Marriage Under Construction Someone might wonder how a 40-year marriage could be under construction. Has the couple not figured out how to work together? Has the couple gotten too old and each person is set in his or her way? Not quite. A holy and happy couple knows—spiritually and intellectually—that a marriage should always remain under construction. It’s an ongoing labor of love to form and build a relationship that’s solid and lasting. Retirement is not an option in marriage. Construction ensures joy, peace, health and fulfill- ment. We have often wondered how both sets of our parents stayed married decade after decade. Their marriages endured tests, trials and tribulations but lasted through economic downturns, through raising and caring for many children, and through providing for their families with little resources. What we know for sure We’ve learned, through our personal experience, that every marriage faces challenges. Couples may have a desire to remain faithful and dedicated and still experience turbulence, heartaches and disap- pointments in a relationship. As we’ve been the recipients of God’s blessings and favor over our 40-year marriage, we’ve determined that our goal is not to have a “perfect” marriage but to be two indi- vidually created and wonderfully made people who are striving to be successful in one union. Although every marriage is unique and should be a gift from God, we want to indulge you with some principles that we believe are advantageous to any relationship. We’re eternally grateful that God has given us insight, fortitude and wisdom to know that we could not and have no desire to live in holy mat- rimony without His presence. He has been the head and center of our relationship. 40 years in a marriage is a miracle in the 21st cen- tury—a season when some people have denounced and do not embrace the union of marriage ordained and instituted by a Holy God. The number 40 gener- ally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation in God’s Holy Word. We offer praise, honor, and glory to our Lord that we were able to reach this milestone. We have appreciated and affirmed the positives and strengths in each other. Additionally, we’ve worked diligently on the weaknesses and blind spots we each have. We made a conscientious and moral commitment to seek as much Biblical knowledge on marriage as possible. 7 Fundamentals that have aided the growth of our mar- riage 1. We sought knowledge from other successful couples dur- ing the years we dated prior to marriage. We have continued to sharpen our tools. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17) Now, we often share our tools with others who are either in or considering enter- ing a committed relationship. 2. We knew that being equal- ly yoked was only a part of the relationship. We knew we needed the covering of Jesus to receive His favor and longevity in our mar- riage. Although love covers a multitude of sin, love requires intentional- ity beyond words. Love must be combined with deeds, motives and actions. Selfishness, dictator- ship and mistrust have no place in a sustainable marriage. 3. Sometimes as individuals we neglect to under- stand the importance of communication. Couples sometimes remain in bondage because they haven’t comprehended the power of the tongue. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21) Married couples are responsible for seek- ing God for His discernment on how to use the power of words for edification, honesty and truth. “Marriage is often about fighting the battle between your ears.” 4. Forgiveness is a non-negotiable in a healthy and holy marriage. Couples who have a desire to fight for their marriage must learn to resist holding grudges and bringing up the past. Let the past be buried, and seek God for complete restoration, healing and deliverance. 5. A storm in a marriage doesn’t mean total loss. Storms don’t last forever. Yes, storms can create a lot of damage, fear, setbacks or concerns but couples must know that they have to keep press- ing through the storms. God can and will restore any damage that a storm has caused. God’s grace is always sufficient in every situation, including a marriage. 6. Couples should seek the joy of the Lord. Contrary to popular belief, happiness is not the most important thing. Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness is tem- porary. Couples should seek to integrate things that make or bring back happiness. However, happiness shouldn’t be the hub of the relation- ship. As a society we enjoy the thrill of the big things, but it's the little and unexpected celebrations that can make or break a couple's happiness. It is important to know your spouse’s love language and engage it as often as you can. Quality time is just as valu- able sometimes as a beauti- fully wrapped gift. 7. Attitude and company do matter. We’ve heard it before “your attitude determines your altitude.” There is nothing more exhilarating than being around people who exude the energy of endless possibilities. The choice for what attitude to have is really up to couples. Couples should also be mindful of the company they keep. Change it, if necessary. A change in company will sometimes change your marriage. What you feed your rela- tionship is what you will produce. We are grateful for a 40-year journey of marriage along with our bountiful blessings of three beauti- ful children—John III, DeNesha and Allan—and our four beautiful granddaughters—Imani, Devi, Anaya and Jena. We appreciate our circle of elders; a wise community of supporters who poured Godly wisdom into us that has helped sustain us. The Word of God has been and will continue to be our original guide to a healthy and sustainable marriage. Remember the words of the Lord… “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” (Psalm 127:1) Mary & John Tellis POLITICS By Pastor John & Evangelist Mary Tellis