b'COMMUNITYDaddy Bruce Randolph Foundation HonoreesEd Dwightple, and a smaller meeting room which seats 20 areyears, following a bone marrow transplant for Aalso located on this level The circulating collectionmultiple myeloma. Her dance with cancer, which man whose resume reads: former Air Force Test Pilot, America\'s First African American Astronautincludes books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and publicalso included two bouts with breast cancer 20 years Candidate,IBMComputercomputers with Internet access. The Library featuresapart, has allowed her the joy of giving back to pres-SystemsEngineer,Aviationindividual areas for children, teens, and adults, andentcancerpatients,showingthemthatlongterm Consultant,Restaurateur,acirculatingcollectionwithitemsinEnglishandsurvival is possible for anyone. It is an awesome gift RealEstateDeveloperandSpanish.Thelibrarywasthevisionofthehonor- to share. ConstructionEntrepreneurableMayorWellingtonE.Webb&formerState"SarahKolzenberg,alongwithothervolunteers canbestbedescribedasaRepresentative Wilma J. Webb. The Library standspassed out literature from the International Myeloma truerenaissanceman.Edtoday as a testament to the many accomplishmentsAssociationregardingcancerattheDaddyBruce Dwighthassucceededinallof African Americans in DenverRandolph Thanksgiving Food Distribution." thesevariedcareers.However,"Forallthosewhohavevisitedthelibraryand forthelast40years,Edhaslooked at the mural painted around the front deskAbout Kate Greeleyfocusedhisdirectiononthearea, you saw Daddy Bruce Randolph on the right FineArts-GalleryPaintings&Sculptures,Largeside holding up the African American Leaders dur- K ateGreeleyliveswithher scale Memorials and Public Art projects. Since hisingthattime.Onthethirdfloor,DaddyBruceishusbandandtwokidsin art career began in 1978, after attaining his MF A inincluded amongst exhibits that include present-dayClayton.Shehasworkedin Sculpture from the University of Denver, Dwight hasheroes. The Library has been host to several eventseducation for the last 20 years. become one of the most prolific and insightful sculp- and exhibits related to Daddy Bruce over the years."She is currently an Educational tors in America. He is also the author of SOARINGTurnaroundSpecialist ONTHEWINGSOFADREAMTheStruggles&forMGTConsulting.Priorto Advenures of the "First Black Astronaut" CandidateTeachersInsuranceandAnnuityAssociationthatshewasaDPSSchool "EdwardDwightcreatedabronzereliefsculptureof America(TIAA)AdministratoratEastHS, of Daddy Bruce Randolph that is still being sharedA tTIAA,we\'recommittedtoEmilyGriffithHSandGeorge today to remind a new generation of givers to helpmakingadifferenceinourWashington. In addition to her work in schools Kate the less fortunate."localcommunitieswithacorededicates time outside of school to help and support belief that education is a power- fellow neighbors. Kate put together a group called ful equalizer.the "Clayton Snow Angels" that has been running Adrienne NorrisTIAA was created over a cen- for 8 years. The Clayton snow angles are a group T he love of creating art and a passion for learningturyagothroughthevisionofthat shovel snow for an elderly or disabled neighbor ledtoAdrienneNorrisfindinghernicheasanourfounderAndrewCarnegieevery time it snows. Kate and a group of neighbors artist: to tell the stories of women in history throughto tackle a societal problem healso run a free soccer camp in the summer at Nairobi art. The turning point came in her early 30\'s, afterwas determined to solve: How toPark and organizes an Easter Egg hunt in the spring. yearsofdrawingandpaint- improve the financial wellbeingKate is a leader in the community and someone who ing. She discovered the storiesofoureducatorsupontheirretirement.Hissolu- goes out of her way to support and get to know the ofseveralimpressivewomention resulted in the creation of TIAA and after 102people she lives around. She also works with others women she never heard ofandyears - TIAA is still going strong impart by upholdingin the community to host a block party and distrib-watched those women show upthe values of our heritage. TIAA has and always willutesaneighborhoodnewsletter.Sheissomeone in her paintings. Adrienne sawplace a significant value on education and the edu- that people in the neighborhood can go to for help theportraitscomealiveandcators that devote their life\'s work to best shape theand she is an absolute joy to be around. Her door is knew she had found her callingyoung minds of our world.always open. asanartist.TodayAdrienneTheDaddyBruceRandolphLegacyFoundation"TheDaddyBruceRandolphLegacyFoundation Norris uses art as a platform forrecognizes the staff at TIAA for being a proud andchoseKateGreeleyforherloveofcommunity. herworkwithschoolsandindedicatedsupporterofBruceRandolphSchool.Shehastheabilitytoworkwithvariouscommu-the community.Their goal has been to help students excel, graduatenitygroupsthatreachouttomakelifeeasierfor "TheDaddyBruceRandolphFoundationwasand succeed in life." Their dedication to the projectsthosewhomaybelessfortunate.Katevolunteers fortunatethatAdrienneNorristookthetimetorelatedtothestudentshasgiventhemhandsonannuallytohelpwiththeDaddyBruceRandolph research and paint a quality piece of art recognizingexperiences with the students.Thanksgiving Food Distribution." the legacy of Daddy Bruce Randolph. The painting is still being shown in exhibits and in printed material."About Winston Walker About KT\'s BBQHistory ColoradoW instonWalkermovedtoK T\'s BBQ was started right here in Colorado by Coloradoin1989andKirk and Tricia Jamison. 20 years later, we are T heHistoryColoradoCenterimmediately fell in love with thestillfamilyownedandoper-goesbeyondatraditionalmountains. In 1993, he co found- ated by K,T&M. We specialize in historymuseumexperience,edtheJamesP.BeckwourthMemphis style BBQ Hickory tellingthestoriesofcolorfulMountain Club (later called thesmoked,pulledporkshoulder, Coloradanswithfun,family- Beckwourth Doers) to honor thepepperyvinegarysauce,tangy friendlyactivitiesandhands- pioneering black mountain mancoleslaw & dry rubbed pork ribs on exhibits in Denver\'s Goldenand inspire people of all back- (\'coursewealsosmokeup Triangle Museum District. Thisgrounds to get out and explorebrisket, chicken, and hot links, can\'t-missDenverattractionon the trails. He was also a bigplus homemade side dishes and openedinApril2012,givingsupporter of the Black America West Museum heredesserts). Whether at one of our thestate\'shistoricalsocietyin Denver. He organized hikes from easy too diffi- four locations or at a catered event, we\'re proud of theopportunitytostartfromcult. Winston was active with the Hampton Alumniour down home food served with true southern hos-scratch and create new ways to experience ColoradoChapter. He was very supportive of his wife Marcia\'spitality! history.Wa Shonaji Quilt Guild which highlighted black heri- TheDaddyBruceRandolphLegacyFoundation tage through quilting.recognizes KT\'s BBQ for the years of support their The Blair-Caldwell African American "TheDaddyBruceRandolphLegacyFoundationbusinesshasgiventoBruceRandolphSchool. Research Library recognizes Winston Walker (posthumous) for his longThe legacy of Daddy Bruce is much stronger today time support of keeping the Bruce Randolph legacybecause of their relationship with both the school T heBlair-CaldwellAfricanalive. Winston was part of the appointed group thatand the foundation. Similar to Daddy Bruce, KT\'s AmericanResearchLibrarywasrecognizedattheColoradoStateCapitolbyownership shows great support for the communities isthegatewaytoFivePointsboth the House & the Senate as tributes were givenin which they are located.andtheWeltonStreetHistorictotheBruceRandolphLegacy District.ThebuildingmergesFoundation. with Sonny Lawson Park via a plazaconnectingthetwo.The About Sarah KolzenbergLibrary has three spacious lev- arah was a special ed teach- Body of Christ Newsels,eachwithitsownuniqueS er and elementary principal purpose.EnteringLevelOne isaninvitingexperience.Thisfor over 30 years, most recently space has natural light, features a 5,800 square-footinAuroraPublicSchools.She gallery. A conference room with seating for 100 peo- has been retired for the past 21 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MARCH 2020 9'