b'ACCUSED . continued from page 11tohonorthethreemenafterdeter- EducationalFund,helpedIrvinand miningtheywereinnocentandthatwin a re-trials, following a ruling by the Tuskin had lied. U.S. Supreme Court.The ceremony celebrating the unveil- Theentiresetofeventsistoldin ingofthemonumenthonoringthethe2013PulitzerPrize-winning GrovelandFourwasattendedbybook Devil in the Grove, by Gilbert GovernorDeSantisandfamilymem- King.ThecompletetitleisDevilin bers of the Groveland Four. theGrove:ThurgoodMarshall,the DeSantis called the conviction of theGrovelandBoys,andtheDawnofa four a miscarriage of justice and thatNew America.a pardon brought justice to the his- Greenlee died in 2012 having been torical record. paroledin1962.Irvinwasparoled The families of the four men now arein 1968. He was found dead in 1969 seeking a full exoneration by the state,inside his parked car.which would declare they never rapedThreeofthefourmenwerevery Pagett, who was 17 at the time. She isyoung. Greenlee was 16. Irvin was 22. now 80. Shepherd also was 22. Thomas birth-ThurgoodMarshall,thenanattor- date is not known.ney for the NAACP Legal Defense and ENDTIMES . continued from page 7Second Coming.picking-Strong\'s-Greek-720),itloses What is the Lord showingus whenits restraining ability, because of the Heblendsthewarningaboutgreedgreed and its continuous love for the with the devastation and His Secondworld(2Thess2:1-12).Theyactually Coming?Heisshowingusthatthestarttopromotethespiritofanti-church is the only thing that is cur- christ without even knowing it.rently restraining the antichrist from"I felt compelled to write and to urge coming forth. When the main streamyou to CONTEND for the faith the was denominationalandnondenomi- onceforallentrustedtoGod\'sHoly nationalchurchbreaksit\'sunionpeople."with the Holy Spirit by DENYING theUntilnexttime,JesusisComing Word(wateringitdown,compromis- Soon! Are you going to be READY?!ing,contradicting,twisting,cherry BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MARCH 2020 15'