b'ENDTIMES . continued from page 4Arechurchgoerstodaybeingentertained,andare saved, yet in reality, they are not.the Name of Jesus to make money, misleading the then ROBBED of the truth, and their money?! The Apostles started to focus more on exposing"church going givers" when it comes to how much Today,manyreportshavecomeinabouthowERROR within the church.The main motivator forof the pie they are taking (Ananias and Sapphira), popular pastors, have been caught dipping into theall kinds of Biblical error was the love for money.whether by preaching up from behind the pulpit, till and abusing church funds. It all sounded good,"Fortheleadershipofthispeoplecausethemtotaking up offerings to feed the poor and for the new convincing and Biblical. But they are compromisingERROR, and their followers are destroyed-mislead"building fund, or even selling a book, is not a true the reality of the last days fire and brim stone, mis- (Isa 9:16 KJV-NIV). manorwomenofGod.Theyarewolvesdressed leading (with false hopes) new vulnerable and naiveup in sheeps clothing. Most commonly known as believers who have just been introduced to Jesus,PeterpreachedoneofhisfinalsermonswithPULPIT PIMPS. into remaining friends with this world, instead ofWARNING!"Therefore,dearfriends,sinceyouIt\'s no accident that in Luke 21:1-36, Jesus starts coming out from among it.already know this, BE ON YOUR GUARD so thatoffbyillustratingtherichputtinggiftsintothe you may not be carried away by the ERROR of law- temple treasury, obviously giving only a small por-"For it is time for judgment to begin with God\'sless men and fall from your secure position" tion of their abundance. More importantly, He also household"(1Pet 4:17NIV). (2 Pet 3:17 NIV). illustratesthepoorwidowwhogaveherlasttwo The New Testament the apostles warn the churchThere is nothing wrong with a Christian makingcopper coins. What does the Lord show us next? about the greedy, they also warn about the Soonan honest buck. But a "Christian" who has beenHe then teaches about the Last Days signs of the Coming of the Lord, His judgement, and His wrathentrustedwiththegospel(Luke12:42-46),whotimes, devastation, destruction, His Wrath, and, His (1Thess1:9-10,2:3-6,1Tim6:3-15,2Pet2:1-15,iscompromisingandcontradictingtheWordsof 3:1-18, Matt 23:25, 24:1-8). Check it out! Jesus and His original apostles, and who is usingContinued on Page 15Isithardtorecognizethewolf\'s? Thosewhoarepreachingupfrom behindthepulpit,readingrightout oftheHolyBible,takingupoffer-ingstokeepthefoodbankfull,all intheNameofJesus,convincing their congregation that they are God\'s anointed,yet,behindthescenes, they have huge mansions, jets, bank accounts.Again, all in the Name of Jesus, and for the sake of the minis-try (Matt7:16). Many church establishments today are not churches.They are businesses disguised as churches. Afewyearsback,apastortaking upanofferingforthenewbuilding fund, and then taking a cut, was kept quietandshuffledundertherug. Today, many pastors are starting to be "honest," as they have convinced theircongregationthatitisOKto give, knowing that the preacher will take his or her cut of the pie. "Just give, and you will be blessed." Thosewhopreachthismessage today have not fallen dead on the floor like Ananias and Sapphira. They are already dead. They just don\'t know it (Rev 3:1-3).It should be illegal for someone to use the Name of Jesus, and then to twist the Words of Jesus, just to make a lousy buck.Thenyouhavethesmallcommu-nitychurchpastorswhoarestrug-gling just to get by. It would be better for those Pastors to preach the truth of the Soon Coming of our Lord and the FIRE to come, instead of compro-mising the Word for a few bucks (2Pet 3:1-15).Itwouldbebetterforthat Pastor to preach the uncompromised truth, take the chance that everyone could leave, board up the front doors of the church for lack of funds, lose his house and to go homeless, than to be SPIT out of the mouth of Jesus for preaching a luke warm watered down message just to try to keep his church awake and to bring home a paycheck (Luke 12:42-46).Remember,ifitwasallaboutthe money, Jesus, instead of dying on the cross could have split town, moved to another land, opened up a hospital, and made a billion dollars. After all, He was already raising the dead and healing the sick. He wasn\'t charging a dime.The religious folks didnt recog-nize the King when he came because He did not pull up in a Cadillac nor was He wearing a fine suit. Instead, Hewalkedintothetemplecourts and He threw out the money makers.Then he was sold out for a lousy buck by one of his best friends. And yes, today, His Word is being sold out for a lousy buck by many who claim to be God\'s messengers.Satansnumberonegoalisto deceive people into thinking that they BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MARCH 2020 7'