b'BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAGAZINEMental Health Awareness Month AsamentalhealthprofessionalandaBlack woman,Iencounterdiscussionsaboutthis stigma on a daily basis. Theres a pervasive fear of shame, judgment, and dishonor. I recognize the immense importance placed on reputation, family honor, and respect within our community. Additionally,Iunderstandhowthefearofthe unknown plays a substantial role in discouraging individuals from seeking help. The repercussions ofthisstigmasurroundingmentalhealthare profound, leading not only to individuals suffering in silence but also to unnecessary loss of life.One prevalent misconception I often encounter isregardingtherapy.Theresaprevalentfear ofsharingonesdeepest,darkestsecretsand confrontingtraumawithastranger.However, its crucial to understand that therapists are not trained to immediately dive into heavy or intense topics.Theinitialstagesoftherapyfocuson building rapport, establishing a relationship, and fostering trust. Everything discussed in therapy isstrictlyconfidential,exceptinsituations THE STIGMA OFwhere theres a threat to someones life, risk of self-harm, or evidence of child endangerment. SHAME, DISGRACE, Personally,Iemployaperson-centered AND DISHONOR CANapproach, aiming to collaborate with individuals incraftingatreatmentplanandgoalsthat NOT COMPARE TO THEalign with their desires for therapy, rather than imposingmyownagenda.Theseobjectives CULTURE OF WELLNESS may encompass a wide range, from enhancing lifeskillstoaddressingchildhoodtrauma, basedentirelyontheindividualspreferences. BySheila N. Hughes Itsimportanttonotethatwhilechildhood I nrecognitionofMentalHealthAwarenesstrauma may be a significant issue for some, if Month, Im eager to delve into the topic of mentalan individual is not ready to address it, I would healthwithintheBlackcommunity.Whennevercompelthemtodoso.Often,sessions reflecting on mental health in our community,involvemesimplyprovidingalisteningear. theforemostissuethatarisesisstigma. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines stigma as aItscrucialtounderstandthatasaclient, set of negative and unfair beliefs that a societyyouhavetheautonomytoselectthetypeof or group of people hold about something. Howprofessionalyoufeelcomfortablewith,agree mentalhealthcametobestigmatizedamongwiththeirtherapeuticapproach,andensure African-Americansisnotentirelyclear,yetititalignswithyourgoalsbeforedecidingto has unfortunately become a significant barrier,proceed. In therapy, you retain the authority to causing many individuals in our community todetermine whentoconcludesessionsandfor grapplewithmentalhealthissuesinsilence.how long to continue them. In instances where individuals express dissatisfaction with therapy, 3 BOCNEWS.COM'