b'BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAGAZINECont. from Page 5PLEDGE TO DIVERSITY BY SR. JUDGE GARY M. JACKSONthe turmoil that I was going though in 1968, the summer after my first year of law school, theassassinationofDr.MartinLutherKing, Jr.theassassinationofRobertKennedy,Jr., thebombingsofbuildingsinCaliforniaby members of the SDS in Berkeley, the murders and prosecutions of Black Panthers throughout the nation and the burnings of cities across America. As a law student in my 2L year in 1968 and now as law students and lawyers, we know that there is work to be done to secure democracy and equality in America.IfDr.MartinLutherKing,Jrwerealivetoday and if he was to be asked what DEI meant to him.HewouldsayDforDreaming,keeping your dreams alive, E for Equality, which is the shiningaspirationfromourDeclarationof Independenceof1876inwhichwewereall to be equal under the law in this new country and I for Integration in all aspects of our legal profession. We cannot let the progress we have made over the last 50 years, be undone.Advertise with UsBOCNEWS.COM9 BOCNEWS.COM'