b'OPINIONBlinded by PrideWhenpridecomes,thencomes disgrace,butwithhumilitycomes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2, NIVBy Peter E. DashiellIlast June, Pride Month, watched as tension grew between two com-mittedgroupsofpeoplerisetoa newheight.Therewerethosein the LBGQT+ community, and their supporters, marching and display-ing their pride in parades all across America.Millions watched as they boldlystatedtheyaregoingafter the children, with a goal to change theiryoungmindsandbodies,Peter Dashiellwhich can include gender changing surgery,withoutparentalpermis-sion.Opposed were the parents Istuck with the namePride. I have saw interviewed and the leaders oflearnedprideiseitheravirtueor the major religions. avice.InmyexperienceIhave Morethanjustalegalbattle,Ifoundpridecanbelikepolishfor believeitsaspiritualbattle;themyhalo,toomuchofeitherone, establishedmoralauthorities,virtue or vice, will blind me from the foundedandbasedonreligioustruth.Now with June Pride Month principlesversusa new moralityI believe LBGQT+ has won a major based on proud individual freedomsmoral victory and many have been and feelings.blindedbythecolorfulLBGQT+ While watching the parade I wasParadeandmissedhowaviceis now a virtue. BODY OF CHRIST NEWS AUGUST 2023 follow us onfacebook 5'