b'T heCongregationatDenver\'sNoble and Trustee Nina Duke. ser- and platform of faith for our fam- ThemediasaidRev.WCDavis HistoricZionBaptistChurchvant leaders, members and friends,ily during the past 30 years., whichcoached the members of the Good Sunday,July23,2023cametoespecially to those who have workedhave been filled with spiritual andShepherd Church as its pastor and givepraiseandthanksandGod\'swithsuchacommitmenttomakepersonal growth thru the powerfulpreached to his students at Manual spirit filled the sanctuary. The 30ththisarefreshingdayinmylife,Isermons and never ending supportas head coach.Pastoral Anniversary of Pastor Franksay, \'I don\'t feel no ways tired andfromPastorDavisFromPastorTheTheme"God\'sChosenand M.DavisandFirstLadyKathyI thank God for every remembranceWendellTLigginsandyouPastorAnointedUnderShepherd;Great Davis was the occasion.And, Rev.of you.\' Zion remains the light thatand Mrs Frank (Kathy) Davis, ZionisthyFaithfulness,"basedon WadeC.Davis,PastorofMungersits upon a hill for all to see the sal- Church has been a launching padJeremiah 3:15 - And I will give you Ave. Baptist Church, Dallas, Texasvation of the Lord Jesus." and safe harbor for our dreams andpastorsaccordingtoMineheart, wastheguestspeaker.TheZionFirstLadyKathyDavissaid,"successes.Live long, prosper andwho shall feed you with knowledge membership\'soutpouringofloveThank you Zion for 39 years of lovebe in good health and understanding." Jeremiah 3:15and the powerful sermon deliveredandsupportatZion,whichhaveTheesteemedRev.W.C.Davis,TheZionChurchFamilyand by his brother left Zion Pastor Davisbeen a blessing and great impact onPastoroftheHistMungerAve.guestfeastedonacateredSoul excitedandovercomewithgrati- my life in many ways.Thank GodBaptistChurchinDallasTexasFood luncheon at the ZionSenior tude. for the ties that bind us and thankliftedthehearts,mindsandsoulsCenterinthehistoricParkhill Pastor Frank Davis said," I thankGodforeachofyou.PraiseGodofacapacitycrowdthatattendedneighborhood.Thelunchprogram God for every member of this won- for MY pastor, Rev. Frank Davis.Ithe 30th anniversary worship as theincludedasermonbyZionslate derfulchurch.Yourlove,prayers,admire his hard work and commit- guest speaker. He spokewith clar- pastor,TheRev.Dr.WendellT. support,andcontributionshavement to the ministry.After 10, 957ityashesimplifieddifficulttheo- Liggins.blessed this pastor, his family, andday,2500sermons,1250funer- logicalconceptswiththepowerofFirstLadyKathyDaviswas countlessothers.Throughtheals, and 165 weddings, and count- theHolySpirit.PastorWCcon- applaudedforhermanyworksat graceofGod,yourfaithandlove,less babies that have been blesses,tinuestochallengeyoungmento Ihavebeenbothstrengthenandfamilies he\'s counseled, and the listdevelop Christian Character,, whichZionChurchandforherstrong encouraged in the midst of great dif- goes on - - He is still going strong!began in his work as head coach atsupportofherhusbandandpas-ficulties. I am indeed the happiestGod has favored him and smiles onManuel High School in Denver. tor,Rev.Dr.FrankDavis.And pastorintheentireworld-Praisehimdaily,CongratulationsPastorPastor Frank Davis beamed withherapplauseincludedanewand God.And to the Chairman of ourDavis!"loveandprideashisbigbrotherluxuriousblackLincolnTownCsr DeaconMinistry,DeaconMichaelTheHonorablesWellingtonAnddelivered a fiery sermon that spokeSedan.CongratulationsPadtor SandersonandtheChairsofourWilmaWebbsaid,"ZionBaptistto worshippers of all ages and per- Frank and Lady Kathy Davis.for 30 TrusteeMinistry,TrusteeAnthonyChurchhas been a beacon of hopespectives.memorable and blessed years.22 AUGUST 2023 BOCNEWS.com'