b'SCRIPTUREIts Time to ModernizeMental Health AwarenessBy Maya WheelerT he Bible Teaches Carry each oth-ers burdens and you will fulfill the law of Christ Galatians:2Only one in three of our neighbors intheAfricanAmericanCommunity 1.Marvin Sapp - Substance 6.Maverick City X Kirkwho need mental health care receive 2. Tye Tribbett - All ThingsFranklin - Kingdom Book 1 it.At the same time over one in seven New 7.Trip Lee - The End African Americans have need for such 3.Jo Jo Martin - Temporary8.Tauren Wells - Joy In Theservices.Tears Morning Coloradorankslastwhenit 4.Jonb Reddick - God Turn9.Leonard Scott - Keepcomestoneedforcarecomparedto It Around Hymns Alive accesstocareforadultsandthat 5.Various - Malaco 50 Year10 Canton Spirituals -is wrong.Governor Jared Polis and Celebration Hallelujah Anyhow theLegislativeBlackCaucusledby RepLeslieHerodhavefoughthard for change.They deserve our thanks and our full-hearted support for thoseMaya Wheelerefforts going forward.Governor Polis appointmentofMorganMedlockMD to run Mental Health Services shows his commitment to diversity and excel- environmentopenandembracingof lence.innovative solutions.Patients suffer-Since the beginning of the COVID-19ing from mental illness must have all pandemic,mentalillnessprevalenceoptions on the table with the freedom hasincreasedbyone-fourtharoundtopursuetreatmentpathsthatare the globe leading to a mental health cri- most effective for their personal needs. sis.However, only about 30% of thoseThiswillhelptomakebrainhealth withmentalillnessesarewillingtoresourcesaccessibletoall.Major seek medical treatment for themselves.reforms will also encourage more peo-Nineoutoftenofthosewhodontple to seek treatment, rather than leav-seekprofessionalhelparemembersing patients discouraged about preven-of minority groups.These disparitiestative actions. must not be allowed to existthese areThis societal stigma around mental our friends, neighbors, brothers, andhealthhasalwaysbeenaround.It sisters.Now is the time for the Statepushespeopleawayfrominsteadof of Colorado to rethink and revolution- towardstreatmentwhentheyneed ize our ways of treating mental illness.it the most.Why is treatment of the We must modernize the way we look atbrainlookedatanydifferentlythan mental health and encourage innova- anyotherhumanorgan?Whyis tion of new treatments and their acces- the policy discussion surrounding the sibility nationwide. health of the brain and the abundance Shockingly over half of Coloradans ofoftreatmentoptionsnotatthefore-color affected by mental illness do notfrontofthedebateonmentalhealth seek treatment. The problems includepolicy?affordability, a lack of insurance cover- Thebrainisthemostimportant age, clinics to far away to access eas- partofourbody,weneedtostart ily, and the fear of being looked downacknowledgingandtreatingitthat upon by others.We need brain health- way.Americasmentalillnesstreat-care that is affordable and accessiblement systems have stagnated for over foreveryone,regardlessofpeoples60 years and the Black community has ethnic background.paiddearlyforthatstagnation.The Weshouldheedthewordsofbrainisanorgan,andnovelthera-Deuteronomy 22:4: Dont just watchpeutic treatments must be at the fore-yourfellowIsraelitesdonkeyoroxfront of resolving our crisis surround-fall down in the road.You must helpingmentalhealth.Prioritizingbrain your fellow Israelite get the animal uphealth must be at the top of the list of again.In other words, we are all inevery single elected official in the State this together.It is our obligation andof Colorado as we can wait no longer to our duty to help one another in timesaddress this.of mental stress. Wemustdedicateourselvestoin As a Christian, mother, communitythe words of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 So leader, and activist. It is clear thatcontinue encouraging each other and historicallydisadvantagedcommuni- building each other up.ties need our voice, all of our voices. We need to ensure that everyone has equalandaffordablementalhealth-care for their families and themselves. Further,wemustadvanceourworkMaya Wheeler currently serves as toeducateourcommunitiesonthethe Executive Director of the African variousresourcesavailabletohelpChamber of Commerce in Colorado. them through their brain health needs.The African Chamber of Commerce Great services are not enough unlessisthepremierplatformandtrust-all of us encourage our friends, neigh- edvoiceconnectingthegreater bors and relatives use those servicesand that no stigma is attached to theirColoradoregionwiththeAfrican usage.We must all realize that but forcontinent for business development the Grace of God it could be us. aimed to create growth and invest-Changing the way major depressionmentbyempoweringtheAfrican istreatedisStepNumberOne.ThatBusiness community of Colorado.changestartswithestablishingan 4 AUGUST 2022 BOCNEWS.com'