b'SCRIPTURERev. Fontenot: Mental Health MattersBy Sheila Smith Especiallyonepastorthatwas instrumental and a big mentor to him wasApostleLeonEmersonofNow E veryonegoesthroughtheirtrialsFaith Christian Center. Rev. Fontenot and tribulations. It is part of Godscontinued to attract a crowd of many plan. We see this with Job, Moses andyounger followers flocking to hear him others in the Bible, especially Jesus. preach the word. In the beginning, he So those anointed shepherds of thesays, I think it was because they saw churcharenodifferentwhentheysomethingontheirlevel,something fall from grace and have to reevaluatethey could see, another young person whereGodisleadingthem.1Peteron fire for God.5:10 says, And after you have sufferedSoon afterwards, Rev. Fontenot had a little while, the God of all grace, whoto accept the bad with the good in his has called you to his eternal glory inlife as his marriage fell apart in 2018, Christ,willhimselfrestore,confirm,which ended in a divorce. strengthen, and establish you. Rev. Fontenot believes he over exert-Rev. Ryan Fontenot was that youngedhimselfandthattookatollon manfullofpassionandfireforGodhis personal and mental health. Him butfellbythewaysideandhadtoand his Ex-wife had been married forthere as a refuge to heal. In doing so IT. Fontenot.berestoredbyGod.Byage12,Rev.10yearsandhavefivechildren.Thebegan working at the church. I would like to bridge the gap I was Fontenot was preaching and teachingmembers of his church even lost faithDating back to the 1970s, the churchonce in to that of the community I am SundaySchoolundertheguidancein him. was known for preaching and believingin now. It is true that mental health and leadership of Pastor Harold HicksImadethedecisiontoshutdownininnerhealinghealingfromthehas been a subject often ignored within at Mt. Carmel Community Church inourchurch.UntilIcouldaddressinside and out.the Black churches.Denver.counselingandreceivehelpformy Hecontinuedtoembellishallthatmental health.I reached a point in myInSeptemberof2021,PastorHistorically, the dehumanization and God was leading him to do.In 2008,life where God was forcing me to notSandford passed away from complica- oppression of Blacks has continued to he launched Well Worship Center andpastor and deal with myself as a man.tionsofCOVID-19.Themembersofescalate into present daywhen you fromtherewentthroughaseriesofhe explains. I was able to rehabilitatethe church leaned on Rev. Fontenot tolook at lack of adequate health care, transitionsduringhisministry,hemyself in life. preach more and make that transitionCOVID-19anddealingwithlosing explains. As I was trying to grow theinto leadership of the church. Recentlyloved ones, jobs and financial instabil-church, I realize the church was grow- Something the Black churches dontinFebruary,hewasinstalledastheity, besides the ceaseless racial attacks ing me, says the now 32-year old Rev.do enough is addressing mental healthlead senior pastor. and police brutality against Blacks.Fontenot as he reflects back. issues.Oncehedealtwithhisprob- Its been a different experience withAccording to NAMI (National Alliance lemsandtraumaheexperiencedinthe church being a 98 % White congre- onMentalAlliance),datafrom2020 Whilethereverendwasstillgrow- life, being a man, being a father, beinggation,saysRev.Fontenotwhowilland2021showsmentalillnesses ingandlearningduringhisjourneya husband; led him toheal and redis- stand in the pulpit firing up the crowdprevalent among Non-Hispanic Black/as part of the clergy, he didnt have acover what God wanted him to do.Rev.in a suit one Sunday or in more casualAfricanAmericanswasat17.3per-lot of support from other local pastors,Fontenot started attending New Songattire of stylish jeans with holes and acent,Hispanicswasat18.4percent, but, Once people found out who I was,ChurchandMinistriesunderPastorT-shirt the next Sunday.He has even then they started opening up more, heLoren Sandford.The church is locatedremarried and his new wife is AlanesContinued on Page 16claims. at 8242 Pecos Street in Denver. I went Rejecting Truth & Chasing Myths!They will reject the truth and chaseevertheiritchingearswanttohear. after myths! They will reject the truth AND CHASE2 Timothy 4:4 AFTER \'MYTHS!" (2 Timothy 4:34).BELOVED, THAT TIME HAS COME!!! By Apostles Lawrence & Dr. Sandra Powell This is not just happening in \'our cul-ture.\'IT IS EVEN TAKING PLACE \'IN SOME OF OUR CHURCHES\' WHERE N OTALLAMERICASFOUNDINGpeoplearelookingforteacherswho FATHERSWEREBELIEVERS,will say things that will BUTeventhosewhosatisfy them!What the were not committed fol- Apostle Paul was saying lowersofJesusChristin 2 Timothy 4 was that had,attheveryleast,people will have an itch agreatrespectforthefornovelty!Theywill Bible!That is why theywantsomeonetocome builtourjudicialsys- along who will say some-temandactuallythethingthatwillsoothe government as a whole them and pacify themon it!! butnotsomethingthat BUTTHINGSHAVEwillchallengethemor, Rev. Ronald Wooding CHANGED,HAVENTevenworse,confront THEY?Wehavegot- them!Receives Circle of Wisdom Elder Award tenawayfromthis! THEREAREMANYTHIS "TURNING AWAY Y es, the air was filled with excitement when Rev. Ronald Wooding receivedPEOPLENOWWHOFROMTHETRUTH" the Circle of Wisdom Elder Award.It was a beautiful day on Thursday,QUESTIONTHEIDEAISSOMETHINGTHE December 30, 2021.This was the day in which the Kwanzaa CommitteeOFABSOLUTETRUTH!TheywillBIBLE SAID WOULD HAPPEN IN THE of Denver celebrated Kwanzaa.The celebration was held at Zions Seniorsay, "My version of the truth is as validEND TIMES!! Center, located at 5151 E 33rd Ave, Denver, CO 80207. as your truth!How dare you imposeAS BELIEVERS OF THE WORD, WE your version on me?" (which basicallyHAVE A JOB TO DO: IT IS TO PREACH Rev. Ronald Wooding, the founder and Executive Director of the Daddymeans holding an opinion that is con- ANDTEACHTHEWORDAND\'NOT Bruce Randolph Legacy Foundation, Expert Historian, MLK Humanitariantrary to theirs!). COMPROMISE\'ONIT,EVENIFIT Award Winner, Civil Rights Activist, Founder of The Agape Project, Co-LeaderA SIGN OF THE END TIMES WILLISN\'TPOPULARORPOLITICALLY ofDenverFeedaFamilyDayefforts,AssistantPastoratRisingStarBEPEOPLETURNINGFROMTHECORRECT!!!Missionary Baptist Church Denver CO, and Executive Producer of Keep aTRUTH: "For a time is coming when*2022.Apostles Lawrence E. & Dr. light in Your Window: The official Daddy Bruce Documentary, is now recog- peoplewillnolongerlistentosoundSandra Powell.nized as a Circle of Wisdom Elder. andwholesometeaching.Theywill follow their own desires and will lookSOUL CARE FULL GOSPEL CENTER Congratulations Rev. Ronald Wooding! Story By: Pastor Frank Jones for teachers who will tell them what- - COLORADO.14 MARCH 2022 BOCNEWS.com'