b'END TIMESAre You Denying His Name?By Michael Forti will lead to God the Father in heaven. It doesntup the Laodicean mess. materwhenJesuscomes,wewillallgoanyway.While churchgoers today jump around from church Lets just forget about our doctrinal differences, we to church, mostly for the entertainment and a new I tappearsthatintheseverylastdays,mostall love the same Jesus. inspirational message, the lost world is being mis-Christians have a way of preaching worldly wealthHow strict should we be when it comes to handlinglead as to what true Biblical Christianity is. Today, instead of heavenly riches. You say I am rich; I havethe Word of God? For false christs and false prophetsif a pastor is preaching good and packing out the acquired wealth and do not need a thing (Rev 3:17will appear and perform great signs and miracles tocrowds, he is referred to as a true man of God! But if NIV84). Its like they want to have theirdeceive even the elect-ifyou are a defender of the faith, if you are preaching cake and eat it too. They want earthlythat were possible. See,hell fire and brimstone, and Jesus is coming soon, luxury, prosperity, entertainment andIhavetoldyouaheadyou are an outcast, and classified as a rebel. If you worldly possessions, yet at the sameoftime(Matt24:24-25are a humble servant, feeding the poor down in the time, they want to feel the security ofNIV84).TheApostleslums and going into the prisons, youre a nobody. being taken, and protected before thePaulwarnedTimothyThats OK. The humble doesnt need any glorification greattribulationstarts.AsItaughtbysaying,Watchyourfrom man. lastmonth,the5foolishvirginsinlifeanddoctrineclose-Matthew Chapter 25 thought the samely.Persevereinthem,I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you thing. What happened? They were leftbecauseifyoudo,youan open door that no one can shut. I know that you behind! They were not prepared! Didwillsavebothyourselfhave little strength. Yet you have kept My Word and the grace cover it all? and your hearers (1TimyouhavenotDENIEDMyName.(Youhavenot What does the Apostle Paul have to4:16 NIV84). DENIED My Name-you have not preached the Word say? Are the Apostle Pauls teachingsoutofwrongmotivesfordishonestgainStrongs toofargoneandoutdated?IsGodThemainissuethatGreek 720- contradict). I will make those who are of now handing down fresh revelation fortheearlychurchdealtthe synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews (and modern day super apostles? Join withwithwasgreed.Yes,gentiles-all believers) though they are not, but are others in following my example, broth- they were called to feedliars-I will make them come and fall down at your ers, and take note of those who livethepoor.Thattookfeet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Since according to the pattern we gave you.time,effortandlotsofyou have kept My Command to endure patiently, I For, as I have often told you before andmoney. Paul taught thatwill also keep you FROM the hour of trail (tribula-now say again even with tears, manyMichael Forti ifyougive,withafer- tion) that is going to come upon the whole world to live as enemies of the cross of Christ.ventheart,youwillbetest those who live on the earth. I Am coming soon. blessed. However, it wasHold on to what you have, so that no one will take Theirdestinyisdestruction,theirobvious that many whoyour crown (Rev 3:7-11, 2 Tim 4:1-8-NIV 84). So, godistheirstomach,andtheirgloryisintheirwereinleadershipwerestartingtohavewrongI would say its time to make sure your preacher is shame. Their minds are on earthly things. But ourmotives, as their greedy hands started to find theirpreaching with pure motives, and the pure word of citizenshipisinheaven.Andweeagerlyawaitaway into the hearts, and then the pockets of naiveGod.Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by thechurch goers. Today, the homeless and prison min- Until next time, Jesus is Coming Soon. Are you power that enables Him to bring everything underistries take a back seat to the new building fund andgoing to be READY?! His control, will transform our lowly bodies so thatthe pastors salary. But there were also false proph-theywillbelikehisgloriousbody(Phil3:17-21ets among the people just as their will be false teach-NIV84). I would say that the Apostle Paul was dealingers among you. How could Peter tell who is, and with lukewarm Christians back then, yet writing towho isnt a wolf? By their fruit you will know them.Today, if a pastor is all who will be living in the very last days.The Apostle Peter goes on to write, They will secret-AGodlyman,atruemodern-dayApostleandlyintroducedestructiveheresies,evenDENYINGpreaching good and packing strong defender of the faith, who died many yearsthe sovereign Lord who bought them-bringing swift ago,onhisdeathbed,whilefinishingtheStudydestruction on themselves. The word DENY meansout the crowds, he is Notes to one of the most popular Study Bibles avail- to CONTRADICT the true Word of God. That means abletoday.Hestates,MANYFALSEPROPHETSthat someone can be preaching right out of the Bible,referred to as a true man WILL APPEAR. As the last days draw to a close, falsequoting scripture, yet twist the Word for their own teachers and preaches will be exceedingly prevalent.personal gain. Peter goes on, Many will follow theirof God! But if you are a Much of Christendom will be in an apostate condi- shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into tion.disrepute. In their GREED these teachers will exploit Those who are totally committed to the truth ofyou with stories they have made up (2Pet 2:1-3 NIVdefender of the faith, if you 84). The word disrepute means that these preach-Gods Word and Biblical righteousness will be in theers were giving true Biblical Christianity a black eye,are preaching hell fire and minority.(1)Professingbelieverswillacceptnewmisleadingpeopleintothinkingthattheirwayof revelation even though it conflicts with the revealedconducting church and their handling of the moneybrimstone, and JesusWord of God. This will lead to opposition to Biblicalwasacceptableaslongastheirpopularmessage truthwithinthechurches.Thosewhopreacha distorted gospel may even gain strategic leadershippromoted church growth. Whos keeping track of theis coming soon, you arepositions in denominations and theological schools,money? enabling them to deceive and mislead many withinYes, a black eye, causing unbelievers to turn awayan outcast, and classifiedthe church (Donald Stamps-Full Life Study Bible- from even those who are preaching the truth. To this NIV-KJV-Matt 24:11 NOTES).day you hear people say, I wont step one foot intoas a rebel.AremanyprofessingChristiansbeingdeceivedthese churches. All they want is your money. True today? You bet! Most are saying, All religious roadsevangelists spend most of their time trying to clean 1 Corinthians 6:9,10,1110 MARCH 2022 BOCNEWS.com'