b'COMMUNITYNAACP Plans Jubilee Day ServiceBy Rosemary LytleJubilee Day serviceswhich closely follow the F ormanyAfricanAmericans,tradition of Watch Night in historically Black Jubilee Day is Independence Day, commemoratingJan.1,1863,whenchurches and faith congregationstraditionally PresidentAbrahamLincolnsigned theEmancipationProclamation,theinclude scripture readings, choral music, documentthatproposedfreedomfor enslaved people of African descent. art, poetry, readings from the Emancipation The late Pastor Jesse Brown Jr., Rev. Bruce W. Kinchens, former PresidentProclamation, and the sharing of a homily by a of the Western States Conference, and former Colorado Unitarian Universalistguest minister or other speaker.minister Rev. Dr. Nori Rost, are among the faith leaders who have celebrated Jubilee Day in Colorado Springs andoppressors. We shall walk together,beyond. In 2019, when the NAACP Coloradothis year, every year,Such celebrations, they believed, areSpringsBranch(thenledbyBranchin truth and righteousness,instrumental in instilling pride amongPresidentLisaVillanueva)andthein power and lightapeoplewhosecontributionshaveRosemary Lytle NAACPColoradoMontanaWyomingand love.beenlargelyignoredinthenationsStateConference(ledbyStateGive us strength to walkhistorybooks.ManyhaveembracedfaithcongregationstraditionallyPresidentRosemaryLytle)heldtheirtowards justice for all,JubileeDaybecauseithelpstogiveincludescripturereadings,choralmost recent (pre-COVID) Jubilee Daygive us a spirit of resilienceourcommunitiesandourchildrenamusic, art, poetry, readings from theService,thelocationwasTrueSpiritand hope,senseofpersonaldignityandhelpsEmancipationProclamation,andtheBaptistChurch.Rev.OrianFlournoyas we proclaim that all peoplefurther culture and heritage. sharing of a homily by a guest ministerwas serving as Pastor. Those gatheredin all placesThisisthereasonthatNAACPor other speaker. werefrommanycommunities,back- have a place at the table,leadersfromNational,State,andTheservicesarealwaysfollowedgrounds and faith traditions. that all Gods peoplelocalofficeshavetakentheleadbyacommunalmeal,featuringfoodA Jubilee Day Service is now beinghave a voice in the choir.onJubileeDayServicesintheirand drink from the News Years DayplannedforJanuary1,2022byDeliver us fromcommunitiesandencouragedotherAfricanAmericanculturaltradition.Branch President Angela Stevens andthis violence that has poisoned uscivil rights organizations, faith bodies,It is important to remember that foodthe Executive Committee of the NAACPtowards a spirit of peace.electedofficials,youthandotherstolikecollardandturnipgreens,yamsColorado Springs Branchand manyDeliver us from tyranny,participate. and sweet potatoes, okra, cornbread,are being scheduled by NAACP UnitsTyranny in our politicsJubilee Day serviceswhich closelysmokedmeats,etc.werecriticaltoaround the country. Tyranny in our spiritfollowthetraditionofWatchNightkeepingenslavedAfricansnourishedRev.RogerButts,LeadMinisteratso that we might all be freeinhistoricallyBlackchurchesandastheysoughtfreedomfromtheirPrairie Unitarian Universalist Churchnow and always.in Parker, CO, was a part of the serviceLiberate us.at True Spirit. Rev. Butts reflected thatBring down the haughtyRosemary Lytle is a veteran communications professional and consultantandthegarishandthegreedyand best known locally for her work as a reporter/columnist at The Gazette andhe wrote the Jubilee Day poem/prayerthe grimfor her radio show, "Up Close & Personal with Rosemary Lytle," broadcast onbelow(whichwaslaterpublishedinthat a spirit of joy and abundanceKCMJ Radio.hisbookSeedsofDevotion\'\')outofmight claim us.Sheisaco-founderandformerExecutiveDirectorofthere-entryrespectforPastorJesseBrownJr.This jubilee day,services program, Positive Impact Colorado; worked as the first Director ofandthelonghistoryoftheNAACPevery jubilee day,Communications at the ACLU of Colorado; and has served as a volunteermovement. we proclaim that the captives are freeleader with the NAACP since 2005.God of many names, and a new world is coming, a new day Rosemary Lytle currently serves as President of the NAACP COMTWY StateGod who looked upon the diversity ofis dawning.Conference and as Chair of NAACP Midwest Region IV. the world In your many names we pray,She is a member of Christ Temple Community Church. from the very beginning butmostlyweprayinloveand RosemaryismarriedtobusinessownerFrankLytle(Captain,USArmyand called it good, very good, commitmentRetired),sheismothertofederalgovernmentstaffer&businessownerand beautiful, very beautiful, And fierce loyalty to the freeing of all Courtney-Rose (Adam) Dantus and grandmother to 2 year old Sydney RoseBless this time. the slavesDantus. Bless this hour. then and now and always,Bless all who have ears to hear. Amen.4 DECEMBER 2021 BOCNEWS.com'