b'2016 REPRINT / OBIT PAGE 18Celebrating The Unsung HeroesM inisterGeorgeRobertsisveryfamiliarwitha time for the community to express their concerns those trapped in the snares and dark world ofto the politicians and not the other way around.thestreets.Hewasoncetherehimself.BeforeheTheColoradoBlackProfessionalFirefighters began saving souls for the Lord, Roberts was a rob- Association (BPFF) was one of two organizations that ber, an addict, and was anything but law abiding.supported the first MLK March. The provided their Then he was delivered. fire engine as a platform for the community to speak "WhenGoddeliveredme,hedeliveredmefromas well as their bullhorn. BPFF also received a 2016 me,saidMinisterGeorgeduringBlackHistoryCommunity Service Award. Month as he accepted a 2016 Community ServiceH.SoulWatson,anactivistinhisownright, Award from Brother Jeffs Cultural Center.Lord,accepted the Brother Jeff\'s Cultural Center Lifetime If you don\'t help me, so help me God, I\'m going toAchievement Award on behalf of his father, Lauren destroy me. If you deliver me from me, I\'ll serve youWatson, the founder of the Denver Chapter of the all the days of my life." BlackPantherParty.Watsonwaslookingforward His plea was answered and Minister George hasto attending the celebration, but was unable due to kept his promise. Known throughout the communityhealth and a hospital stay. A prayer was given for a asThePeoplesPreacherwithaChurchWithoutfull and speedy recovery.Walls, this faithful servant can be found preachingNormanHarrisSr.receivedtheHiawathaDavis the word among the homeless, addicted, incarcerated,Lifetime Award. Mr. HarrisMinister George Roberts (above) and Umoja (below) both received Brother Jeff\'s Cultural Center 2016 Community Service Awards.and those discarded by mainstream society.Sr. who moved to Denver in Eachyearwehonortheunsungheroesinour1942,wasoneofthefirst community, said Brother Jeff, Founder and DirectorBlack troops to join the Air of Brother Jeffs Cultural Center. There are so manyForce,Mr.HarrisSr.,the peopledoingincredibleworkthatdonotgettheeyes and ears of Five Points recognition they deserve. We strive to give them theiris 97 years old.flowers while they are alive to appreciate them. Archie Jones, Founder of AfterwatchingaseriesofpoignantinterviewsMusicSpectrumpresented bytheoriginalfoundersofDenver\'sMLKMarch,theirCommunityService members of Umoja (meaning Unity) took the stageAwardtoCleoParker to accept the awards for their hard work in makingRobinson, a fixture in The Denver\'s MLK March the largest in the world. UmojaBlackCommunityforover is the organization that formed in 1981 to help bring40years.Thecelebration attention to the national effort to honor Dr. Kingswas held in her theater.birthdayasanationalholiday.TheorganizationHosted by Pastor Terrance alsousedthemarchtohighlightcommunity"BigT"Hughes,theGayle grievancessuchaspolicebrutality,homelessness,LeaLiQuartetgotthings and unemployment. underwaywithjazzand Forthefirstfiveyears,from1981to1986theblues numbers while guests MLK march was always connected to a cause, saidconnectedwithfamilyand Terry Migginia an original founder of Umoja. It wasfriends.COLORADO SPRINGSADVERTISEYOUR CHURCH HERE! email information to:info@bocnews.comBODY OF CHRIST NEWS DECEMBER 2021 17'