b'WORD OF GODHEALTHThe Idols of this World Notification to By Mary Lu Saddoris Churches Regarding O h my dear child, whom I haveCovid-19loved with an everlasting love. Before you ever were, I was. At the beginningIlaidoutmyplanfor you. After all this time, know that I am bringing to pass all of my plansBy Byron E. Conner, MDfor you. My plans are not meant to hurtyou.Theyarenotmeantto harm you. My plans are for you toT his is important information about prosper and grow so very strong inCOVID-19 which is a virus which me. hasbeenravagingtheworldfield.It As you continue to look to me, seehas left in its wake, devastation to the that I am bringing my plans to comeplanet. topass.AsyouyieldyourselftoI would like to give information that me, know that I am moving on yourI trust will be helpful to people world-behalf. Dear one, I alone am to bewide. trusted to do as I have said. Do notMary Lu Saddorislook to man for answers. For I alone1. Adequate hand washing facilities. am the one true lover of your soul. Churchesneedtoensurethat In times like these, be confidentror. Do not allow dread to dine atthey have hot water in all bath-inonlyme.Bebrave.Bebold.your table. Know that my righteousrooms and kitchen and attend to Knowthatyouareneveralone.Irighthandisuponyounow,thishot water not working.amalwayswithyou.Donotfear.verymomentandforevermore.I2. Ensure a regular stock of liquid You look and see the enemy prowl- willneverleaveyoualone.Iwillhand soap in all areasing like an angry, hungry lion. He iskeep you and guard you in all your seeking whom he might devour. Heways.Noweaponformedagainst3. Hygiene carry tissue and use them cannot have you. You are my pre- you can prosper. Every tongue thattocatchcoughs,sneezingand cious child. You belong to me. As Ispeaksagainstyoushallbecon- wiping you nose, then carefullyDr. Conneralso belong to you, dear one. demned. bin the tissue. Wash with soap Child, do not walk in fear or terChild, again I say that my handandwaterfor20secondsand isuponyou.Donotwalkinfear.drythoroughly.Regularhand-and people standing at least 6 Know that fear is not of me. Knowwashingisadvisedthroughoutfeet away from each other when that I am causing all things to workthedayasadvised.Handgels,in a crowd to avoid droplet infec-together for your good. Trust in onlyand sanitizers are advised. tion. Avoid touching your face.me my child, as I do not lie. I am the4. Socialdistancingasadvisedby5. Communion Services.Give more living truth. I am the only way. AndtheWorldHealthOrganization- timeforcommunion.Careful in me is eternal life. There is noneattentiontohandwashing,use In times like these,otherbesidesme.Allotherpathsof gloves and hand sanitizer use lead to destruction. is needed.Ihavecalledyouintheseend be confident intimes to walk in my harvest fields.6. Feeling unwell-worship at home, I have given you my words of life toand watch services on-lineonly me. Be brave.speak to all who come by you. Many7. Symptoms-commoncoronavirus-aresoterrorizedthattheycan- Let us be committalescancausemildtomoderate Be bold. Knownot see or hear. They have becomeupper respiratory illnesses, and soverylostinthisdarknessofto lifting up prayers8.feverBest to remain at home.that you are nevertime. Child, your words will be saltChurchcleaning-thechurch and light to them. Those who hear andreceivemeIwillinnowisefor those impactedcaretakerandcleanerscan alone. I am alwayscastthemout.Thosewhobelievekeep the church clean. Deacons andreceivemeastheirLordandby Covid-19 andand deacons can help clean the with you. DoRedeemer will dwell in my heavenlychurch.home forever. oninthesetryingthose with other9. Giveattentiontoelderlyorill not fear.Child,presschurch members. This can bring times.KnowthatIamwithyouillnesses. blessing on the ill members and now and forever. I will lead you andblessings to the church as well.guideyouinallyourways.Keep10. Prayer-Letusbecommittal lookingtoonlymedearone.Mytoliftingupprayersforthose dear, dear precious child. impacted by Covid-19 and those with other illnesses.6 AUGUST 2020 BOCNEWS.com'