b'Who Will Deny Jesus?. from page 4antichrist will come forth. Of course,ofJesusChrist!Note:Theoriginal thosewhoarenotrestrainingwillApostles lived and died taking a stand be left behind to meet the one worldfor John 14. "Jesus IS the only Way, counterfeit savior. the Truth and the Life. No one goes That time is here. How do we knowtotheFatherexceptthroughHim." this?Therewillbepersecution,yetTorejectJohn14,isabsoluteblas-strongevangelismthroughthegreatphemy. God doesn\'t care who you areUSED PEWS FOR FREE! tribulation.Mid-waythroughit,inor how popular you are.Revelation13:18,theantichristisIn closing, how close are we? ShouldPlus 30 Chairs Availablegoing to force everyone on the face oftrue end timers be holding up signsWe are renovating our church sanctuary and looking for a the planet to reject Jesus Christ, andthat say, "The end is near, don\'t take then to receive the chip. Today, muchthe chip?" Who is really going to lis- new home for our 30 pews in good condition. photos at: of main stream Christianity is alreadyten? Well, I suppose if you warn the DENYING and TEACHING that Jesuslost, maybe they will listen mid waylowrychurch.org/pew-donationisNOTtheonlywaytotheFather.throughthegreattribulation.WhoOffer for pews will be open until August 3rd. Several well know "Christian" pastorsknows? "It also forced all people, great have admitted this and are preachingandsmall,richandpoor,freeand this. This is for sure a clear indicationslavetoreceiveamarkon/intheirAny questions, please email the church atthat much of the Christian Church isright hands or on/in their foreheads, losingitsrestrainingability.Again,sothattheycouldnotbuyorsellinfo@lowrychurch.org orcall & leave a message: LEFT BEHIND to meet the antichrist!unless they had the mark"(Rev 13:16-Talkingaboutpreparingpeopleto17, 14:6-11). 303.364.7146ext. 180renounceJesusandthentoreceiveThere is absolutely no where in the thechip.ManywithinthechurchBiblewhereJesus,orHisoriginal are the ones who are leading peopleApostlesencouragethechurchto right into the system. "To think thatfreakout,thinkingthatthegovern-Jesus is the only way to the Father isments of the world are trying to rob insanity." (Pastor Walrand-10k mem- you of your freedom. Yes it has and bers).GoogleorYouTubethelatewill continue to happen. But not for Billy Graham\'s interview at the Robertthereasonsthatsomanyfanatical Schuler, Crystal Cathedral. Billy, theendtimersthink.Jesusisintotal greatestalltimeevangelist,winningcontrol! ARE YOU?!thousandstoJesus,DENIESJesus.Themainthingis,myJesusis All roads lead to God.ComingSoonforthosewhoareon Again, many are already being pre- theirknees,andforthosewhoare pared,withinthe"LEFTBEHINDREADY,WAITING,andWATCHING. CHURCH,"torenounceJesusandAMEN!toacceptthechip.ToomanyareUntilnexttime,JesusisComing putting their trust and faith in theirSoon. Are you going to be ready?!popular preacher instead of the Words BODY OF CHRIST NEWS AUGUST 2020 5'