b'HEALTHPower Through Nutrition"Why do you spend money for what is not bread,signal to do something, whether it be to create ener- Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw andyourwagesforwhatdoesnotsatisfy?Listengy, store fat, produce insulin, and evena fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delightchangeyourmood.Justasarefereeand bread. John 21:9yourself in abundance. in the sports arena, food is continuallyChia seeds, Atlantic salmon and broc- Isaiah 55:2 sending signals to the body.Knowingcoli, are excellent sources of Omega 3. this information, we can use it to ourStudies show a correlation between the advantage by choosing foods that sendconsumption of fish with high levels of By Andre Hinton powerfulanti-aging,energetichealingOmega-3fattyacidsandadecreased messages to the body and brain.riskofdepressionandsuicide.Eating What are some foods that signal thefishorsnackingonchiaseedswhile T heir power in HIS name, there is power in prayer,body to improve? increasing your intake of omega 3 fatty andthereispowerincertainfoodsthatweacids may help combat depression.eat. Making sure your body and brain remain in aEatingfoodslikeCollardgreens healthy state should be a priority.There is evidenceandKale,whichareincrediblyhighAswestrivetobemorelikeChrist, suggestingthatwhatwedonowmayimpactourin calcium, plays a substantial role inpraylikeHIM,actlikeHIM,talklike minds and how they function many years to come. maintaining healthy blood vessels, andHIM.Weshouldjust,asimportantly, Healthy nutrition practices, coupled with healthyreducing Type 2 diabetes. eat like HIM.lifestyle choices we make today, can keep the brainAlmonds, spinach, cashews, peanuts, and edama-vibrantandpreventage-relatedproblemsintheme contain Magnesium, a mineral that plays over 300Tolearnmoreaboutfoodandthepower future,likecognitivedeclineandAlzheimer\'sdis- roles in maintaining and protecting the bodys health.thoughnutritiontosignalthebodytoimprove ease. Magnesium plays a significant role in the develop- totalhealthandwellnessContactAndre Understanding that everything you put into yourment of serotonin, which is a considerable contribu- Hinton,TransformationCoach/FitnessTrainer/body has a purpose, and is ultimately a signal-callertortofeelingsofhappiness,preventionoffatigue,Motivational Speaker - e-mail: andrehinton@mtfit-to the body.Every time you eat, the body is sent amental confusion, and predisposition to stress. ness.com -Phone: 719-357-7646END TIMESWhat Would Jesus Do?By Michael Forti Consequently, he who rebels againstthe truth but have delighted in wick-theauthoritiesisrebellingagainstedness" ( 2Thess 2:1-12 NIV). I think what God has instituted, and thosethat time has come.T hereisnoquestion,thatwearewhodosowillbringjudgmentonWhat about the current events that living in the last of the last days.themselves. For rulers hold no terrorwearefacingtodayintheUnited We are not just seeing the signs of thefor those who do right, but for thoseStates? The nightly news! Are Black\'s times coming to pass within our ownwho do wrong." and Hispanics being mistreated? Are country, but all around the world. Is the Word saying that all of thetheybeinghandedarawdeal?Do The Word teaches that in the verygoverningauthoritiesareperfect?copsneedtohaveadegreeinlaw, lastdays,peoplewillbelivingjustNO!Butitteachesthatitisthepsychology,marriageandyouth thewaytheywereinthedaysofchurch\'s job to clear the garbage outcounseling,abulletproofvestand NoahandLot.AlthoughstatisticsofthechurchandthatitisGod\'sa loaded 9mm just to pull someone showthatviolentcrime,murder,sovereign will to deal and disciplineover for a speeding ticket? Are cops rape are starting to ease up a bit,the imperfections within the govern- "ROBO" cops, ROBO programmable? drugaddiction,divorce,sextraf- ment(1Cor5:1-12,Rom12:9-12).Ourtimeisaboutup.Godwill ficking,abortion,schoolshootings,God still gives them a free will. not strive with man forever. God will homelessnessandsuicidesarestillUnfortunately,andsadtosay,have His way, and there is about to atthetop.Crimeofallkindsismany,notall,majornewsagen- beashakingunlikethisworldhas stilloutofcontrol.However,sexualcies are under a mistaken egotisticalever seen. The AWESOME judgment immoralityandidolatry,alongwithbias delusion, thinking that they areand wrath of the ALMIGHTY is com-a REBELLION towards anything thatappointed to hold accountable thoseMichael Forti ing! The sooner the better. has to do with the Bible is for sure ain government, to include the presi-major sign of the times. Our societydent. Youbet,Black,White,Hispanic, is starting to malfunction because itconceited,loversofpleasureratherlivesmattertoGod.ButCopslives refuses to read its owners manual. WhatdoestheapostlePaulhavethan lovers of God-having a form ofmatter as well. Real soon, police are OnemajorsignofthetimesistosayaboutthisrebellionintheseGodliness but denying it\'s power " (2going to be writing tragic tickets and arebellionagainstGod\'sestablish- very last days? "But mark this: ThereTim 3:1-3 NIV). dealingwithrandomdomesticcom-mentandauthorities.Whatdoeswillbeterribletimesinthelastplaints, while the military is on the thatmean?Romans13:1-3says,days.People will be lovers of them- Thetruthis,ourtimeofgraceisstreets upholding the law."Everyonemustsubmithimselftoselves,loversofmoney,boastful,aboutup.GodisabouttoliftHisJesus is the answer. He poured out the governing authorities, for there isproud,abusive,disobedienttotheirhedge of protection off of this world.Hisultimateexpressionofloveand no authority except that which Godparents, ungrateful, unholy, withoutTherefore, (in the days of Noah, justforgiveness while being drug through has established. The authorities that(truelove),unforgiving,slanderous,before the flood) "God gave them overthestreets.Manyouttheretoday, exist have been established by God.without self control, brutal, not lov- inthesinfuldesiresoftheirheartofallcolors,thinkthattheyhave ersofthegood,treacherous,rash,to sexual impurity for the degradingbeen handed down a raw deal. Just oftheirbodieswithoneanother."look at the burden that our Lord was "Because of this, God gave them overgiven!Talkaboutbeinghated,per-toshamefullusts.""Furthermore,secuted, whipped, spit on, discrimi-sincetheydidnotthinkitworth- nated against, beaten,insulted, and The prophetic Word teaches that in thewhile to retain the knowledge of God,then nailed to a cross How did HeturnedthemovertoadepravedHeexpressHisfreedomofspeech? mind"(Rom1:8-32).Thatsright. very last days, God will also send thisPeoplearelosingcontrol!NoBible,"Father forgive them, they know not no conviction! what they do."fallen society a powerful delusion so thatHowever, the prophetic Word teach- There is still hope of finding Jesus within this lost and wounded genera-they will believe the lie. esthatintheverylastdays,Godtion. We need to be praying for every-willalsosendthisfallensocietyaone. ALL LIVES MATTER TO GOD!powerfuldelusionsothattheywill believe the lie, "and so that all will beUntil next time, the King is Coming condemned who have not believed inSoon, are you going to be READY?4 JULY 2020 BOCNEWS.com'