b'TESTIMONYJesus Saved Me: Testimony from Robin Watts By Sheila Smith Allthedrinkingandbeingoncrackask God for help.He will hear your contributed to my life being so messedprayers.up.I felt that encounter with JesusEvenaftereverythingthatRobin W e all know the story of the sinfulwasmakingthatinwardchange.Itwentthrough,sheendedupbeing womanwhokneltatJesusfeetalso helped being nurtured by a lovingdiagnosedwithovariancancer.She weeping.Shethenusedherhairtochurch that lived the word, explainshad already lost any relationship with wipe away his tear-drenched feet. Robin. herdaughter.Shesaysevenwhen RobinThompsonWattsofDenverRobins life began when she was bornherchurchprayedforherandwith was like that woman as she too criedto a black mother and white father inher, People need to understand what manydaysandnightsforJesustoWashington, D.C.Her father served ingraceisandhowmuchGodloves embrace her and be saved from a lifeWorld War II and met his young bridethem.of sin.Robin, now in her 60s, shareslater who was working at a store andGod did show his mercy and healed her testimony of having been on crack,goingtocollege.Atthattime,theyRobin of her cancer and she is now in beinganalcoholic,beaten,abuseddid not allow interracial marriages toremission.She has a renewed rela-and raped until she was delivered andoccur in the state of Virginia.But thetionship with her daughter who is also saved by the Holy Spirit. couple later married and moved Robinsaved.And she has a granddaughter God is real.God is not a figure ofand her three sisters to Denver, wherewho has three children.She is feel-our imagination, testifies Robin.Godthey grew up in the neighborhood offingtrulyblessedandhighlyfavored takesawayyourdesiresandthenDowning and 37th Street.in being around to be a great grand-the Holy Ghost takes over and startsI grew up in a home filled with love.Robin Thompson Watts mother.convicting you but does not condemnButIwasnotintroducedtoJesusAswerememberinthewordhow you. until the age of 12. There was a ladyJesus was introduced to a Pharisees It was an overwhelming change thatdown the street who asked my motherFinally,whenRobingotintotroublehome for dinner.A woman known for took over, Robin says, as she began toif she could take me to church, Robinwith the law and ended up on proba- hersinfulnatureshowedupatthe change her lifestyle and prayed more.recalls.She had a rough time duringtion and stayed at the Light House, ahousewithanalabasterjarofper-She called on her Pastor Samuel Mooreheradolescentyears.Robinclaimsrefugehomeforwomentryingtogetfume.ShekneltatJesusfeetand of Mt. Zion Church of God in Christhow she was always bullied by othertheirlivestogether,iswhenshesawwept.She wiped the tears from his feet everydayforguidanceonwhatwaschildrenwhileattendingColeMiddlethe light. with her hair and poured the perfume happening. SchoolandteasedabouthavingaShestartedgoingtochurchmoreover his feet.The Pharisee thought if white father. often and reading the Bible more.ItJesus was truly a prophet, he would I always talked to God.I thought IRobingotpregnantattheageofwaslikeshewasinaslumberandknow what kind of wicked and sinful was going to heaven because I talked16 and had a daughter.Her motherGod patiently waited for her to wakewoman she was.Jesus reprimanded to God.No one ever told me that I waswatchedthebabywhileshefinishedup.Herchurchputhertoworktothe Pharisee and said in Luke 7:44-48, a sinner.That was the relationshipschool.After graduating high school,show people their lives can change ifTherefore,Itellyou,hermanysins Robin had by going through the frontshewentontobeaCMA(Certifiedthey accept Jesus into their life.Shehave been forgivenas her great love doors of the church and then headingMedical Assistant). already knew a lot of people from thehasshown.Butwhoeverhasbeen out the church doors later to get highcommunityfromherpastindiscre- forgiven little loves little.Jesus then and drink.She also associated withWhile in school, Robin states, I wastions of doing drugs and drinking sosaid to the woman, Your sins are for-plenty of men that came her way. just trying to fit in and was smokingshe went down to Curtis Park in Fivegiven.ButitwaswhilesittinginBiblecigarettesandsmokingweed.ItsaPoints every week testifying and being studyatherchurchthatshefinallywonder I am not dead! awitnesstowhatGodcando.SheWhileweareonlyvesselshereon listenedtowhatGodwastryingtoShe then began hanging out with ahelped save souls and brought severalearth,Godknowswhentoallowhis tell her.I was 38 years old when Idrug dealer and was snorting cocaine.people to be saved.I would say, youholy spirit to move through us to be accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.Shestayedwithhimfor13years.have to make a dramatic change andatestimonytoothersanddogreat things.COMMUNITYDowntown Memorial VandalizedBy Armenians of Colorado, Board of Directors destroyedbyAzerbaijansgovernmentin2005as part of their plan of erasing the Armenian history in Nakhichevan. D ear Community, We are heartbroken to informActing on good will, several individuals - indepen-you that the Colorado State Capitol Khachkardentofeachother-haveattemptedcleaningthe memorial to the Armenian Genocide and to the vic- memorial from the spray paint graffiti, as a result of tims of all crimes against humanity has been van- which they have damaged the monument even fur-dalized with spray paint graffiti during the ongoingther. See attached photo. protests in downtown Denver. Since the Khachkar commemorates the victims ofTo prevent further damage, the following message all crimes against humanity, including slavery andhas been posted near the monument: "Please do not state-sponsored racism, it is ironic that individualsattemptcleaningthismonument.Themonument who claim to seek justice have vandalized the veryismadeofvolcanicashandrequiresprofessional monument that honors the victims of injustice. restorationbyhighly-skilledcraftsmen.Whilewe appreciate your good will, cleaning this monument Protestleadershaverepeatedlydenouncedvio- will cause more damage. Thank you for your concern lence and vandalism. We do not hold the peacefuland please do not remove this sign. You are welcome protestersresponsibleforthebehaviorofviolentto lay flowers in front of the monument (not on it) individuals. As Armenian Americans, a communityinsolidarity."-BoardofDirectors,Armeniansof that has survived genocide and centuries of oppres- Coloradosion, we recognize and condemn the ongoing injus- We will continue to monitor the ongoing protests tices against our African American community andand consider short-term and long-term solutions for we join them in calling for justice for George Floyd. the protection of the Colorado State Capitol memo-Earlier today, our community leadership discussedrial to the victims of all crimes against humanity. scenariosforprotectingtheKhachkarmonumentIf necessary, we will rebuild our sacred monument beforewefoundoutthatithadbeenvandalized.again and again, while defending human rights and Oneideatoprotectthemonumentwasboardingequality for all.it up, which could have made the khachkar more vulnerable by making it inflammable. Any vandalismPhotograph of the Colorado State Capitol Khachkar against the Capitol khachkar is particularly painfulMemorial on May 30, 2020, by Pastor Brian Henderson, given that it is a replica of one of the 3,000 medi- First Baptist Church of Denvereval cross-stones of the legendary Djulfa cemetery BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JULY 2020 11'