b'FORTI . from page 4approaching, and it\'s coming with a vengeance!Hopefully,YOUWON\'T BEHERE!"ThelandofIsraelwill soon step into the line of fire. That\'s when the whole world will start to see the reality of God\'s wrath (Eze 38-39).What happens politically right here in the United States within the next several months is going to help us see what prophetic pages will be opened in the near future. This already exist-ing,butneweconomy,willsoon step completely and rapidly onto the global scene. Many will openly accept this lying spirit because they refused tolovethetruthandsobesaved. "For this reason, God sends them a powerfuldelusionsothattheywill believe the lie and so that ALL will be condemnedwhohaveNOTbelieved the truth but have delighted in wick-edness"(2 Thess 2:1-12).The good news is that God\'s Biblical governing AUTHORITIES, along with HisGodfearing,Spiritfilled,Jesus believing, devil stomping, Born again Christians, will continue to hold the antichristbackfromcomingforth andbeingrevealedattheproper time.WhentheAlmightytakesHis restrainingforcehomeandoutof theway(pre-trib),thenthelaw-lessone,alongwithhisoneworld system will be unleashed. When will this happen? "For God has a set day whenHewilljudgetheworldwith justice"(Acts17:31-Hab2:3).GOD IS IN CONTROL! (Dan 9:27, 2 Thess ch 2)."Nowbrothers,abouttimesand dates, we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, "Peace and Safety," destruction will come on them suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape. But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should sur-prise you like a thief"(1 Thess 5:1-4, Heb 10:25, Rev 3:1-3).Theconspiracy"theories"ofthe 5Gbrainalteringeffect,andthe coronavirusvaccinechip,isonlya theory promoted by a spirit of fear. Buttherealdealisnothereyet. Whensatanforceseveryone,mid-trib,torenounceJesusChristas their Savior, and to take the MARK, and to worship the beast, then those who are left behind, will know that the 666 of Revelation 13:15-18 is the real deal.Untilnexttime,Jesusiscoming soon! Are you going to be ready, or LEFT BEHIND?!BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JUNE 2020 7'