b'SERMONJesus; the Christ; our IntercessorWho is he who condemns? It is Christ whodied,andfurthermoreisalso risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes INTERCESSION for us. Romans 8:34By Al R. CombsO ur English word intercede comes fromtwoLatinwords:inter (between) and cedere (go). So, to inter-cede is to go between two parties.JesusisourIntercederor Intercessor.Jesusgoingbetween theaccuserof[the]brethren,that is, Satan and our heavenly Father. We see a perfect example of Satans accu-satory role in Job 12. Satan accusedAl CombsJob before God of being weak in faith and offered to prove the point by test-ing Job, which God allowed. Just so,There is no way of obtaining favor Satanwilltakeeveryopportunitytofrom God but through the intercession accuse us of unworthiness before God.of Christ. ~ John CalvinBut the Apostle Paul writes that no one canbringachargeorcondemnationChristSChurchEXISTStoSERVE against us because Christ died for us,GOD&OTHERS:OFFERINGa removingoursinsandunworthinessBETTERLIFEforYOUandYOUR (Romans 8:33-34). FAMILYTHANKGODTODAYthatJesusisal r combs, co-founder/pastor with our Intercessor, coming between SatanJESUS CHRISTand our heavenly Father on our behalf.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JUNE 2020 5'