b'CHURCH NEWSColorado Clergy Responds toThe Body of Christ News Endorses Maya WheelerPandemic with #PrayActTrustClergycountgrowsdailyaswhoseministryfocusesonyoungfor State Representative Hd#41#PrayActTrust spreads to other states adultsandtheirfamilies.Throughto Replace Jovan Meltionsocialmediaandonlinenetworks, By Pastor Del Phillips #PrayActTrust caught the eye of faith leaders in other states who are expand-ing and adapting the idea to connect"A Caring, Respected, Church Going, prayergroupsandcongregationsin W hatstartedasagroupoffiveArizona,AlabamaandNewMexico.CommunityandNeighborhood Denver clergy has grown to nearlyPastor Del Phillips estimates there areLeader"ten times that numberclose to 50 clergy par-asleadersandmem- ticipating so far. By Publisher, Randy M McCowanbersofvariousfaithsThe website includes cometogethertoprayinstructions for joiningT heBodyofChristNewspaper andhelpduringthethe daily prayer call, ais not taking this endorsement Covid-19 crisis. calendar of suggestionslightly.Ourmetrocommunities Acoregroupoffivefordailyactsofser- andneighborhoodsofallethnic ministers, led by Pastorvice and a list of chari- backgrounds,politicalpersua-Del Phillips of The Houseties helping those mostsions, genders and incomes are full WorshipCenterandimpactedbythestayof citizens[seniors, families, youth, Pastor Michael Hidalgoat home order. The lat- businesses], who in the current cli-ofDenverCommunityest addition to the sitemate of uncertainty, need updated Church,startedtalk- isalistofresourcesandtruthfulinformationtobe ing in late March aboutfor those suffering fromabletomakeinformeddecisions how to bring the solaceDel Phillips lossofincomeduetoand choices about their future and and power of prayer tothe pandemic. theireverydaylifeinthemodernMaya WheelerDenver residents under#PrayActTrustcreatesconnectionsworld. Our current national, state stayathomerestrictions.Theideaacrossboundariesbetweenpeopleofandlocaldilemmasrequirereal took shape as a call to pray togetherdifferent faiths and even those unaffili- leadership for the changes ahead.Withtherebeingnoin-person by conference call every day, performated with a specific faith. HouseDistrictb#41isnoexcep- CountyAssembly[itwasvirtual daily acts of service and trust in Godtion.and on-line], Maya was able to get for refuge and strength in hard times.website: www.prayacttrust.com This endorsement is an assess- over 1100 HD#41 residents to sup-Bythetime#PrayActTrustlaunchedport her campaign by signing her on April 1 with the first telephone com- email: coloradoclergy@prayacttrust.com ment of what the HD#41 citizens,petionto get on the primary ballot munity prayer and the website www. neighborhoodandcommunitiesinJune.Thisisanobviousand prayacttrust,twodozenfaithleadersTo arrange an interview, contact Amyneedswillbegoingforwardandsignificant show of community and were involved. Johnson, Constructive Public Relations,howleadershipshouldrespond"people" support for her campaign Within a week the group had grown303-570-6400,amy.johnson@construc- to those needs. This endorsementas well as a foundation for a path-toincludeseveralMillennialpastorstivepublicrelations.com focused on who that leader shouldway to victory.beandthequalifications,back- As a State Representative Maya ground and experience that leaderwill "put the people first", bring a should have to meet those needs.communityofficetothedistrict, WethinkthatpersonisMayamake community and constituent WheelerandtheBodyofChristservicehernumberonepriority, Newspaperendorsesherforthatwill wok hard everyday for HD#41 HD#41 State Representative seat. residentsandtheirfamiliesas well, if you call Maya, she will call youback[acommunitycourtesy that is still respective by the com-mon man and woman.As a StateMayaWheeler\'scommunity workethic,commitmenttothe RepresentativeDemocraticPartyandproblem-solvingresponsivenessisknown Maya will Put thethroughoutthemetroareaand thisBodyofChristendorsement of her is well deserved. The Body People First! of Christ Newspaper invites you to joinusinmakingMayaWheeler the next Statate Representative in HD#418 MAY 2020 BOCNEWS.com'