b'ScripturesEND TIMESfor Thought Word of the LordBy Mary Lu SaddorisBy Rev. Paul Lewis M ychild,inthesecompromising times the love of many has grown INthebeginningwastheWord,soverycold.Manywhosaythey andtheWordwaswithGod,andbelong to me but their hearts are so the Word was God. He was in thevery far from me. There are many that beginning with God. All things wereIsay,Idonotevenknowyou.The made through Him, and without Himtime is now dear child. Turn to me. nothing was made that was made. Give your heart to me today. Know I Paul Lewis will receive you as my precious child. John 1:1-3The time is coming when many will Ye are the salt of the earth: but ifsay Lord, Lord. And I will say depart the salt have lost his savour, where- and put it under a bushel, but on afrom me for I know you not. Cast all with shall it be salted? it is thence- candlestick; and it giveth light untoyour cares upon me for I truly do care forth good for nothing, but to be castallthatareinthehouse.Letyourfor you. Keep your eyes upon only me out, and to be trodden under foot oflight so shine before men, that theydear one. Do not look to man for your men. Ye are the light of the world. Amay see your good works, and glo- answers. Man will only lie and deceive city that is set on an hill cannot berify your Father which is in heaven.you.hid. Neither do men light a candle,Child this world is being shaken asMary Lu Saddoris Mathew 5:13-16 never before. In these times I am call-ing out. Hear my voice calling to you in this midnight hour. HEED WHAT Iconformedtothisworld.Giveyour AM SAYING TO YOU. Say yes to me. Iheart to me. Guard your heart child for desire for it to be well with you. Childfrom it comes the issues of your life. where is your heart? I say do not beTurn to me today. Know I will keep you in all your ways.Comechild.Comehomeuntome. Turn away from all the lures and evils of this world. I will give you my peace. Turn away from allI will give you my rest. I will give you myunspeakablejoy.Donotwalkin the lures and evilsfear. Meditate upon my word each day. Allow my word to restore your mind. My word brings peace to your spirit.of this world. I willChild, speak out to all who come by give you my peace.you.Tellthemofmyloveforthem. Speak forth my words I am giving to I will give you myyou. The lost and dying are desperate to know the truth of my word. My word willgivehopeinthesetryingtimes. rest. I will give youFamines and plagues have increased. Earthquakes and wars and rumors of 1. DEITRICK HADDON -6. DAVID & NICOLE BINIONmy unspeakable joy.wars are on the rise. But the end has TIME - GLORY OF EDENnot yet come.2. KIERRA SHEARD - KIERRA 7. DARIUS PAULK - STRONG Do not walk in fear.Turn to me child while there is still 3. BRI BABINEAUX - THE8. ANTHONY BROWN - ENCOUNTER 2ECOND CHANCE time. I am coming so very soon for my 4. ZAK WILLIAMS - THE9. BYRON CAGE -Meditate upon mybride.BewatchingandwaitingforI NEXT CHAPTER ISOLATION am coming in an hour that you will not 5. KANYE WEST - JESUS IS10 NEAL ROBERSON -word each day.expect. Look up child for your redemp-KING SHOUT tion draws so very nigh. Seek me with all your heart and you will find me. My dear precious child.COMMUNITYDIMWMW 36th Leadership Conference/Luncheon" see the collage on pg. 12 founded by Lady Fannie L Miller, who becameit\'sfirstPresident.Herewe are in the year 2020 beinglead under By Dr. Claudette E. Sweet thedynamicleadershipofit\'s47th President,Dr.EvangelistTywanna Jones.O nSaturday,March7,2020Thisyear\'sConference/Luncheon Denver\'sInterdenominationalChair&COChairwereMinister\'s Minister\'sWivesandMinisters\'sAngelaFaison&ShellieJones. Widows(DIMWMW)celebratedit\'sDivineInterventionWorkshops 36thAnnualLeadershipConferencetheme"Redeemed#TheBloodStill and Luncheon. A great and outstand- WorksEph:1:7" included: Financial ingnumberofsupporterscameoutandPhysicalFitness(Dr.JoyceD. to witness the Gospel story, empowerBrooks,Ed.D.);EmotionalHealthand Womeninbusiness,buildministryFamilyBalance(LadyTalhesiaA. and support students through the Dr.Lane).;Wisdom Pearls Panelist:(Apostle OllieDeloresBarefieldScholarshipDr.SandraPowell,LadyFlorafrom AprilFund.Thisisthe5thanniversaryYoung,PastorDr.OdieKennedy.Dr.see the fullofthescholarshipfundwithJohnMarilynChitman)GuestSpeaker,April paper onAnthony Barefield as guest.EvangelistJenniferYoungofJoliet,bocnews.comInMarchof1935DIMWMWwasIllinois.10 MAY 2020 BOCNEWS.com'