b'FORTI .from page 4can shrink back.Itappearsthatmostwhobelieve thatyouCANNOTloseyoursalva-tion are those who tend to handle the gospel of grace to loosely ( Jude 3-3, 2Tim 4:1-8). They have the tendency to misinterpret the basic requirement for salvation. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your HEART that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved"(Rom 10:8-10 NIV). Unfortunately, too many have not read the instructions of how to examine the HEART. If your heart isstillintoworldlywealth,youwill be blinded from seeing the will of the Lord(Rom12:1-2).Rememberthe miracleworkersinMatt7:21?They werecastingoutdemons,(building bigchurches,claimingtobeGod\'s superapostles)allintheNameof Jesus,buttheirheartswereinthe wrong place. LEFT BEHIND!This compromised gospel is focused moreonyourabundantlifeinstead oftheSoonComingofourLord.Is iteasytorecognizethewolvesin sheepsclothing,whoareofferinga compromised and counterfeit gospel? (1Corinth15:1-2,2Corinth11:1-8, Gal 1:6-10).ThechurchofSardis,2000years ago,thoughtthattheywereALIVE! WhydidJesushavetotellthem thattheywereDEAD?Theydidn\'t know."IfyoudonotkeepWATCH, Iwillcomelikeathiefandyouwill notknowatwhattimeIwillcome on you" (Rev 3:1-3, Heb 10:25). They were not keeping watch because they were having an affair with the world (Heb10:32-39).Thedebateoverthe"oncesaved always saved gospel" has caused most ofthedivisionwithinthechurch today. It\'s usually the defenders that areaccusedofbeingthedividers. Those who believe that you cannot fall away from the faith have the tendency to look the other way when it comes to major doctrinal error. They are usu-ally offering salvation down the broad roadofunrighteousness(Isa9:16, 1Tim4:1-2,6:3-15,1Thess2:3-6,2 Pet 2:1-3, KJV).Yetthosewhoknowthatatrue believer can FALL AWAY from the faith, "completely," without even knowing it, have the desire to be a Jesus pleaser instead of a people pleaser. Defenders of the GRACE! At all costs! The blood willbeonyourheadifyoudon\'t defendthefaith!(Exe33:1-6,Jude 3-4).Untilnexttime.JesusisComing Soon! Are you going to be READY?! BODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2020 9'