b'HABITS . from page 8manifests as good habits.The things you constantly hear, say, and decide to act on, is the way you conduct yourself every day. You can-not do things occasionally and expect to get to your destiny. Live it every day and it will become a lifestyle.Speaking of lifestyle, it is important to mention the difference between sin and iniquity. Sin is known world over as sinning, on occasions, against God. But iniquity is a way of wicked think-ing, like a scheme or plan, deceitfully hidden,andturnsintoaperverted lifestylelivedwithinahousehold.If a father or mother lives in iniquity, it becomes the duty of other family mem-bers,ortheotherparent,toreplace the habits of iniquity imposed on child with the royal habits of righteousness. The word of God and positive affirming words should be spoken into the child until they become part of his life. God respectsconsistencyandwillsurely rewardyouforconsistentlytellinga childthatheorsheisdestinedfor greatness.Daniel was consistent, even when he went to a foreign land. He had royal habits in him that prevented him from eatingcertainfoods.Thesamehigh standardwaswiththesonofKing Louis. God has given us the power to control our thoughts. Paul said in the Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Likewise,acceptthatyouhavethis powerful promise, so speak it and put in your mind.Ourthoughtsproduceaseriesof behaviorsthataffectusandallthe peoplearoundus.Therefore,your destiny, however it turns out, will not just affect you, but others around you. The way Gods people think has got to be changed. We need to act accord-ing to the knowledge God has given us through His word. We see, day in day out,societiesthataretaughtabout prosperity.Weseethemgettingrich andhavingasmuchmoneyasthey can. Yet, in fact, they are living their liveswithsomanyproblems.There are a high number of divorce cases in theserichsocieties.Theyarealways fightingwiththeirchildren,andwe hearofsiblingskillingeachother, too.Understand,thereisnothing wrongwithhavingmoneybutwhen it is prioritized over God and family, it becomes a form of idolatry. To be more inspired with these des-tinypreceptsjointheconversation with Dr. Daniel Haupt on the Voice of Destiny Podcast or get your copy of his new book Destiny: The Other Side Of Through. Go to Amazon.com or osot.life.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2020 15'