b'COMMUNITYA Sense of ReliefBy \'Words from the Inside\'G reetingsbrothersandsistersin Christ, and to those who read the Body of Christ News, or are reading it for the first time. Recently there was a trial proceeding that received national attentionbecauseoftheextentand natureoftheincident.Therewere many people following the trial includ-ingthemedialawyers,judges,law enforcementfamilies,andyespeople incarcerated were listing, watching the news, and eager to hear what the final verdict would be. ThejudicialsystemofDenver, Coloradowasinthespotlightonce again. Those of us incarcerated sat in our cells listening to the verdict on T.V. ofNOT GUILTY, When we heard onto 30, 40, 60, or even life in prison. The the news, Not Guilty we felt a sense ofBible lets us know that GOD is a GOD relief. Relief also came for the family ofofjusticeandHeinstitutedthelaws the accused Uber driver, and we knowfor the justice system beginning with that the family that lost their loved oneAdam and Eve, Cain and Abel and He was affected by the verdict as well. Ourgave us a great detail about justice in Prayersareforbothofthefamilies.the Book Leviticus. God\'s word tells us in (Romans 12:15) "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, andIn this Country America, "there are weep with them that weep". many cases that go to trial and unfor-Theoutcomeofthetrialundoubt- tunately the criminal courts makes a edly sent a message to a lot of peoplelotoferrorsagainstpeopleofcolor. regardinglife,protection,fearandAsyoumayrecallnotlongagoin justice,especiallyforpeoplethatareanotherstateonlytwopeoplewere incarcerated,thenotguiltyverdictpresent when a man was killed in his gave hope in the judicial system that aapartment by an off duty police officer. person is innocent until proven guilty.Thereweretwopeoplepresentwhen TherehavebeenmanyCaseswhereanUberdriverandapassengermet the Innocent don\'t go to trial becauseand a death took place. of fear, and they take a "plea bargain"TheWordofGODassuresusthat deal which seems better than the fearGOD sees everything.( Psalms 11:4) " of losing at trial and being sentencedThe Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes thesonsofmen;hiseyesexamine them." (NIV). Everyday GOD is working out His divine plan and He says, "For mythoughtsarenotyourthoughts neither are your ways my ways saith theLord."(Isa.55:8).Therearemen There have beenandwomenincarceratedandsome ofthemareinnocentandsomeare many cases whereguilty.James5:16says"Theprayer of a righteous person is powerful and the Innocenteffective."(NIV) GOD answers prayers.Jesustaughtusaboutcompassion don\'t go to trialand He identifies with our pain. In John 11:35 "Jesus wept because of the death because of fear of Lazarus,: Let us remember to pray for both families. The Family that lost a loved one and the family that heard the verdict not guilty. And, "Continue to remember those in prison". (Heb.13:3) We need your Prayers! BODY OF CHRIST NEWS NOVEMBER 2019 5'