b"SERMONAre You Filled With BitternessBy Rev. Dr. PM Wynn Grove will not refrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguishself feel superior. The source of bitterness is people of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of mywho embitter the lives of others, they may be a boss soul (Job 7:11). Job experienced feelings of bitter- or supervisor on the job, using their commands to H ave you ever known a bitter person? No mat- ness because of the calamities that had befallen hisoppress others. This is what happen to Israel during ter what you say or ask them they respond inlife, but fortunately he was able to cope successfullytheir time of slavery. The Egyptians made their lives a negative way. You can say;It's a beautiful daywith those feelings, and eventuallybitter with hard bondage, in mor-they will probably respond by saying something like;there was a complete restoration oftar, and in brick, and in all man-What'ssobeautifulaboutthisday?Orit'sjusteverything he had lost. ner of service in the field; all their another boring day. This is the kind of person youSomething that is bitter is dis- services, wherein they made them should always stay away from. tasteful or distressing to the mind,serve, was with rigor.The story of Job in the Old Testament has comegalling. Bitterness is a feeling thatAreyougivingsomeoneahard to symbolize the plight of a person who has enduredis marked by intensity and sever- time simply because you are bitter great pain, suffering and loss. But Job can be a greatity,onethatexpressesafeelingwithsomepastexperiencesthat example for us of how to keep bitterness from layingof intense animosity, cynicism, orwere horrible for you. If so read the a claim to our hearts. Not only did Job lose all of hiscontempt.SomeonewhoselifeisstoryaboutJobagainandagain. possessions -his cattle and all of his wealth- but hecharacterizedbythefataldistrac- If Job didn't curse God while going also lost by violent death every on of his seven sonstionofbitternessusuallyexperi- throughhissituation,whywould and three daughters. As If all that wasn't devastat- encesverylittlejoy,forsheisyouholdbitternessagainstGod ing enough, Job's health deteriorated until his entiretoofocuseduponthesourceofandpeoplethatdon'tevenknow body was covered with painful boils. Still, he did notthebitternesstoseemanyotherwhy or care about what made you sin by cursing God. goodthingsoccurringinherlife.bitter.Godhasbeentoogoodto Despite his steadfast trust in the Lord, Job did goWhen you meet such people, theirus!Evenwhenwedidn'tdeserve through a stage of questioning God as to the reasonbitternessbecomesreadilyappar- PM Wynn Grove his grace and mercy. Get over your for the mishaps that had befallen him. When pre- ent because their words and senti- bitterness.stop looking back and senting these questions to God, he said, Therefore Imentsbetraythem.Godtellsusreliving the bitterness of your past that a bitter attitude is not an acceptable way of lifelife, move forward in the name of Jesus the sweetest for His children: Let all bitterness, and wrath, andname I know, just the mention of HIS name removes anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put awayany bitterness from my past experiences.won't you from you, with all malice' (Eph. 4:31). please join me. There is nothing worst then bitter-A bitter heart often manifestments or jokes that are actually veiled put-downs.ness the scorn of a woman.A bitter heart often manifest itself through com-These put downs can be subtle, such as, That outfit itself through commentswould be a knock with different shoes. Or they canRev.Dr.PMWynnGroveand be more blatant, such as when someone says, Those or jokes that are actuallyCaprisarecute,butdoyoureallythinksomeoneherhusbandPastorLeeGroveare your size should wear them? A bitter women willAssociatePastorsatthePotters veiled put-downs.findithardtosayanythinggoodaboutanybody,House of Denver. They are the Founders because her words will flow out of the abundance ofofHeavenlySentMinistries.Dr.Grove her poisoned heart. Be wary of being a bitter person yourself! A bitter person acts in ways it makes themcan be reached at pmwynn9@msn.comANCIENT . from page 17status quo, and is the main reason Western institutions will not changeThe kinds of changes most marginalized people would like to see are not aligned with SahuMansbehaviors,however,unfortu-nately the Sahu Man resents the majority of people (black, white and brown), espe-ciallyintheWesternhemispherebutare rapidly moving to other parts of the world. If we seek significant changes to our insti-tutions, they must come from the actions of the AB Man/woman. The AB Man/woman possess faculties that are midway between SahuManwhodemonstratestheleast manifestations of God and Ausar Man who demonstratesthemostmanifestationsof God. Men and women at the AB Man level play a mediating and transitional role; they are a shining light that brings us out of the darkness. They represent wisdom ground-edindivinespiritualpowerasopposed to intellectual knowledge which examined forfaultyassumptions,misinformation, miscalculationsandculturalbiascanbe and are often purposely misleading. Think aboutallthescientistswhodetermined thatwhitepeoplearesuperiortoblack people. Therefore, if we are to have lasting change intheinstitutionsthathavesuchgreatThe House of Worship Center Transition Storyinfluence over our lives, the ideas, thoughts and words needed to make those changesThe House Worship Center sold its property at 2150 S. Cherry tohood school at 2950 Jasmine Street. come into reality must come from the divinea local developer in 2018.For the past year while remaining atTHWC has transitioned to its new location embedded in Hallett spiritual power elicited from the behaviorsthe Cherry Street location the leadership and congregation haveElementary Academy, providing supportive services to students and ideas of the AB Man. The changes weprayed and planned about the next move the ministry wouldand their families in North East Denver and to continue its min-seek are those found in the following quote.considertobestfulfillitsmissionasaTeachingChurchandistry as a Teaching Church every Sunday at 9:30 & 10:45 a.m. and ItisnottruethatmanywillbecalledHelping People Connect to God through worship and ministry. Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.but few will be chosen. There are no cho- Optionsforpurchasinglandorbuildinganewfacilitywere sen!Goddoesnotplayfavoritism.ItisallconsideredbutfollowingtheunctionfromtheirspiritualThe opportunity to re-invest in the roots of its congregation's that many will call upon God, but few willleader Pastor Del Phillips the Church made a decision to returnorigin has inspired the leadership and members to target its focus choose to live the truth. to Northeast Denver and invest its resources in a local neighbor- on local mission outreach in the immediate area and Northeast Denver community.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS NOVEMBER 2019 17"