b'HEALTHNew High Blood Pressure Guidelines"Beloved, I wish above all things thatagainsthypertensionintheAfricanblood pressure but feel nothing. This thou mayest prosper and be in health,Americancommunity.Thisistheis a warning that if we want to know if even as thy soul prospereth." Barbershop and Salon Health screen- we have hypertensionget your bloodThird John Two ing outreach. At the present time wepressure measured. When we do our have 14 facilities we visit about everyvolunteer work in the community we By Byron E. Conner, M.D. four to six weeks to do blood pressurewritedownbloodpressurereadings and blood sugar screening along withand advise people to see their medi-givingouthealtheducationmaterialcal provider. Remember, hypertension H ighBloodPressureshouldbeand we even just recently started doingcan be associated with strokes, heart thoughtofasamajorpublicas wellHIV screening. This is underattacks,kidneyfailure,allserious health concern. Black adults are up totheumbrellaoftheColoradoBlackhealth issues, while a person may feel two times more likely to develop hyper- HealthCollaborative.Wehavemanyperfectly fine. The best thing to do is tension by age 55 compared to whiteswonderful volunteer students and oth- to get your blood pressure measured with many of these racial differenceserstohelpusdothehealthscreen- andthendiscussthemeasurement developing before age 30 according to aing. We have observed some things Iwith a medical professional.recent study published in the Journalneed to share with you. The first thingThere are new standards to catego-oftheAmericanHeartAssociation.tonoteisthatformostpeoplehighrize blood pressure as follows:This should be considered as a prioritybloodpressureisnotsomethingyou situation and because the blood pres- canfeel.Youcanhaveevensevere Normalbloodpressureisunder sure problems develop at such an earlyhypertensionandnotfeelanything.120/80age, early intervention is needed. It isThat explains why it might be called Elevated blood pressure is between surprisingtonotethatmanypeople"thesilentkiller".ItisamazingasI120 and 129(previously this was are not aware of this. thinkaboutit,howmanypeopleIcalled "prehypertension") Dr. Conner I am involved with a program to fighthave seen who have dangerously high Stage 1 hypertension is blood pres-sure between 130 and 139 systolicYoucangetmedicaladviceabout (upper number)and 80-89dia- whenlifestylechangesarewhatyou stolic or the lower number need and when medication is needed as a fist step. Stage 2 high blood pressure is now That explains why it might be called "the140 systolic or 90 diastolic Lifestyle changes are always needed which includes a diet high in fruits andsilent killer". It is amazing as I thinkThese measurements should be donevegetables, in addition weight loss may carefully. Wait a bit after for examplebe needed. Cutting down on salt intake about it, how many people I have seen whoafterdrivingthroughheavytraffic,is vital.within 30 minutes if smoking, drinkingDiscussyourbloodpressureand have dangerously high blood pressurecoffee, or exercising. Use a blood pres- what you should do about it with your sure cuff that fits your arm properlymedical provider.but feel nothing. (the correct size). You can bring yourMay God help you to live longer and cufftothemedicalofficetohaveitbetter!validated. CHURCH SPACE FOR RENT$700 / month 8am-10:45 + Fri/Sal901 S MonacoCall Mo.Cato for more info: 303-399-8180LOCAL CALENDARAnnual Blue and Gold GalaOCT 11Fri. 7pm,Colorado Association Ministers\' Wives Ministers\' Widows Annual Blue & Gold Gala at The Summit Event Center, 411 Sable Blvd, Aurora, 80011. Guest Sp: Rev. J. Michael Young.For more info call Joyce Julye Hayward 720-933-5047. Tickets Adult $55, 16 & under $27.50Annual CAMWMW ConferenceOCT12Sat,10am-12pmTheCAMWMW AnnualConference held at the Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church, 1500 S. Dayton St, Denver,80247Room113.FormoreinfocallFlora Young303-522-0946.Fun,food,fellowshipandspiritualsustenance! Allministers\' wives ministers\' widows are welcome. No charge.Project SoulOCT 1210am - 4pm, Auxiliary Of Redemption M.B. Church Craft Fair! Vendors come and set up your tables, Join us for a day of fun! Must bring your own table. $25 per table. RSVP To: Peggy H. 720-436-9268 or Karen B. 720-329-68783441 E. 28th AveMORE Events on Page 166 OCTOBER 2019 BOCNEWS.com'