b'POLITICSThomas Mayes Wants Your VoteBy Pastor Thomas Mayes I currently sit on the Police incident review board,and repair sidewalks in the ward I live in.VictimsWitnessAdvisoryboardandAurorasKeyIm running for City Council to be one of the decision M ynameCommunity Response Team. I also have served on themakers when it comes to Attainable housing, livable isPastorArapahoecountyCommunitywages ($15.00 Minimum wage) ThomasMayesCorrectionsBoardandtheandaccessibletransportation andIamrunningJuvenileAssessmentCentersjusttobeginwith.Whenthe forCityCouncilboard.Imservingmy30thpresent City Council considers At-LargeandIyearasPastoroftheLivingaddressingaffordablehousing needyourvote.IWater Christian Center Churchit always leads to the systemic live in ward 4 andandamthefounderandsolution; that is building cheap watch online: bocnews.com Pastor a church inExecutiveDirectorofESCAPEhousing in a less than desirable Ward1.Ithere- (Everyone Sharing Child Abusearea. I am determined to make foreexperiencethecompletegamutofthecity.IPrevention Education) surepeopledontfallintoa haveworkedintheAuroraCommunitythelastAurora has grown up! It nowtrap set decades ago to promote 29yearsfocusedonequityforallpeople.Icur- hasapopulationof367,250gentrification. Auroras present rentlysitonthePoliceincidentreviewboard,-1.38%growth-MedianAgedesign is to put people of color VictimsWitnessAdvisoryboardandAurorasKey34.4-MedianHouseholdin a general area of control and Community Response Team. I also have served onIncome $63,055-6.03% growthdraw them away from the bet-the Arapahoe county Community Corrections Board- Poverty Rate 13.7% - Numberter built homes in valued areas andtheJuvenileAssessmentCentersboard.ImofEmployees194,926-2.8%of Aurora by making it afford-serving my 30th year as Pastor of the Living Watergrowth-MedianPropertyable. But thats just a start. As Christian Center Church and am the founder andValue $299,600-18.2% growth.the city grows, we must ensure ExecutiveDirectorofESCAPE(EveryoneSharingAurora is recognized as the mostthe people grow as well.I sup-Child Abuse Prevention Education) diverse city in Colorado. Thatsportandencourageinnovative I am running for City Council At-Large and I needif you dont look at the PoliceThomas Mayes economicdevelopment.Itisa your vote. I live in ward 4 and Pastor a church inDepartment,FireDepartmentmustbutmyvisionextends Ward 1.I therefore experience the complete gamutorCityGovernmentwhichfar beyond development of eco-of the city. I have worked in the Aurora Communityremains 90% or more white male. Aurora is made upnomic structure. If we dont develop people especially the last 29 years focused on equity for all people.of 3 counties, Adams, Douglas and Arapahoe coun- people of color who make up over 50% of the citys ties. Aurora is also one of the fastest growing citiespopulation. The homeless population has not been in America and is a contender for the future spaceaddressed with a focus of empowering those living station. But we cant be satisfied unless we carry allon our streets. Most efforts and programs have only We cant be satisfied unlessthe people of the city along with the growth. I cantservedtoenablethehomelessandinsomecases beveryexcitedaboutmulti-milliondevelopmentscripplethemtothinktheirsurvivalishingedon we carry all the people of thelookingtosettleinAurorawhileinWard1alonganother hand out. The city has to come along side the Colfax corridor is still laden with homelessness,nonprofits empowering the disenfranchised.city along with the growth hopelessness and crime. I find it difficult to embracePleasefeelfreetofollowmeonSocialMediato new developers not being responsible for the cost oflearn more of my vision for the next 4 years in Aurora. infrastructure in their projects while I cannot get thewww.thomas4auroracouncil.orgcity to fill the cracks and pot holes, cut the weeds BODY OF CHRIST NEWS OCTOBER 2019 7'