21 APRIL 2018 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Bodyof Christ News COLORADO SPRINGS & PUEBLO: PM WYNN FOR AD INFO – PMWYNN9@MSN.COM APRIL 2018 VOLUME 29, ISSUE 9 COLORADO SPRINGS Way to the Father in heaven, then you are not truly saved. A pastor of a 10k congregation church recently quoted, "Believing that Jesus is the only way to heav- en is insanity" recently DENYED Jesus in front of his congregation.They gave him a round of applause (John14:1-7). If you believe that God CHOSE you from the beginning of creation to be saved, rendering you any freedom, while alive here on earth to make the free choice to receive or reject Christ, then you are not saved according to the true gospel of grace. You have a warped interpretation of the Biblical words, foreknowledge, predestined, chosen and election. Why do I say this? Did God create some to be saved and to spend eternity in heaven, yet create others to burn in hell because they were not chosen. "Only some lives matter." That's not the God of the Holy Bible. "ALL that call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). "But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then CHOOSE this day who you will serve" (Josh 24:15). "He is patient with you not wanting ANYONE to perish, but EVERYONE to come to REPENTANCE!" "For God so loved the world that He gave his One and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3 :16). The Bible is a gospel of free will and choice. For those who are saying. "Look, we are all Christians who have different interpretations of scripture, but all believe in Jesus." Saying, "Lets not judge, Jesus will do that at the judgement seat of Christ!" You are not saved and you will not make it to the judgement seat of Christ. Not just any Jesus will SAVE you, especially this other Jesus that many are preaching today. (2 Cor 5:10). In closing, can a "Christian" be deceived into thinking they are saved, yet they are not? Jesus had to tell the church of Ephesus that they have LEFT, ABANDONED, and have FORSAKEN their first love. Why? They didn't realize it. Jesus had to tell the church of Thyatira that they were allowing that spirit of Jezebel to seduce the believers into thinking that they could change the grace of God into a life of immorality. Why? They deliberately left out the word REPENT from their teaching for the sake of popularity and money. The church of Sardis thought that they were ALIVE! But, Jesus had to tell them that they were DEAD. Why? They didn't realize it. He had to tell the church of Leodicea that they were luke warm, thinking they had wealth and that they were in need of nothing. Why? Because they were deceived, not realizing how far they had FALLEN AWAY! Could the same thing be happening today? YOU BET! (Rev Ch's 2-3). "Therefore, watch your LIFE and DOCTRINE CLOSELY. In doing so, you will SAVE not only your- selves but those who hear you" (1Tim 4:16, 2 Pet 3:17). Until next time, Jesus is COMING SOON! Are going to be READY?! There will be a powerful move into a convergence of Worshipping Warriors, influencing “CONSECRATED SOLDIERS” to move out into demonstration of External Works highlighting God’s Power! It’s a time When the Knowledge of the Glory of the Lord Multiplies! "The knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the water covers the seas!" (See Hab. 2:14; Joel 2, Acts 2) Saints, let’s Stop limiting our God! Don't doubt that His grace is enough for you and for your family, and your Church! He will watch over every word He speaks to us and it will be fulfilled! This year begins a new season of promise for all Believers; and your thoughts of impossibility must be removed! It's not time to quit in defeat, but rather gain new insight, momentum, and focus! Hit the reset but- ton…PRESS FORWARD! Prayer of Dedication for 2018! Father, in Jesus' wonderful name, we consecrate ourselves to You and Your purposes in our lives and in our gen- eration. We declare that we are receiving a fresh measure of Your grace to complete the assignments previously given to us. With faith and obedience, we align ourselves to pass under the Shepherd's rod and come into the new season You have for each one of us. Thank You that these are the Days of Acceleration and that Your plans and purposes will be swiftly established in Jesus’ great name! Amen and Amen! SAVED ... continued from page 11 INSIGHTS ... from page 20