5 SEPTEMBER 2017 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Rev. Patrick Demmer With all the upheaval going on in our nation’s capital and protests in the South, Rev. Patrick Demmer has reasons to be concerned. Especially, he said with the 2018 mid- term elections coming up. “Hopefullly, this will bring us a new pathway since the election of Donald Trump and retirement of President Barack Obama.” Rev. Demmer is pas- tor of Graham Memorial Community Church of God and Christ located in Commerce City. He is also Superintendent of the Agape District for the Jurisdiction of Colorado. He claims that African Americans know about voter registration but now begins the process of voter education. “Most of our community, most of our citizens do not understand how the politi- cal process works and because of that, we sit back. Colorado did a fair job of turning out to vote. We went for Bernie Sanders and did not vote for Hillary Clinton. I too was a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders.” “Several people from our commu- nity have said to me, ‘Superintendent Demmer how is it that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, yet she did not win the Electoral College (votes)? And now we have Donald Trump in office.’” Rev. Demmer is challenging the Democratic National Party to engage in the black community in a more mean- ingful way. “It was disturbing to me that the heart of Hillary Clinton’s campaign did not have a budget for the African American community in Colorado. Then I discovered in talking with friends and other pastors, this was the attitude of the Hillary Clinton campaign - we will inherit the African American vote and not do anything substantial to win their votes.” And Rev. Demmer has his reasons for being fed up with the Democratic National Party. “It may be true that African Americans as a whole are not going to vote the Republican ticket. But don’t take our community for granite,” he added. What is currently going on down in Virginia filled with protests, racial hatred and violence is an example of what President Donald Trump’s election has led too. According to Rev. Demmer, “He (Donald Trump) is very rhetoric and his campaign platform appealed to some of the lowest individuals in our society. Those people are not just racist but actually white suprema- cists. White Supremacy lives.” Rev. Demmer pointed out how certain words President Trump was say- ing during his campaign is what edged racist indi- viduals on. Trump’s con- stant words of ‘Let’s make America great again’ was the catalyst in further fuel- ing hatred in this country. What he was really saying was ‘Let’s make America White again.’ As Rev. Demmer put it, “We are sur- prised when President Trump had to be dragged, wrestled, screaming and crying just to make a meaningful state- ment denouncing segregation, racism, the Klu Klux Klan and Nazi Party. Of course, Rev. Demmer makes no mistake on who also is at fault for this country’s downfall. He explains the Democrats are just as much to blame and need to take blame for many of attitudes in this country. Elected Democrats in Congress did not stand up for President Barrack Obama every time he was verbally attacked, further expressed Rev. Demmer. A rac- ist Republican congressman even stated not to get to close to Barrack Obama and said, ‘he is a tar baby.’ “If you don’t speak up, you are just as bad as those who are against you. My challenge to the Democratic National Party is to empower us and come back to us in a meaningful way, so that we can work in 2018 to overturn what has happened and put this nation back on the right path.” Grand Memorial Community Church of God and Christ is located at 6610 E. 72nd Pl in Commerce City. For further information or to contact Rev. Patrick Demmer call 720-339-6057. Patrick Demmer COMMUNITY watch Demmer's video at bocnews.com