b'HEALTHHelping People, from Ethiopa to the USABy Byron E. Conner, M.D. in my mind the faces of those I treatedtoourowncountry.Wedidinfact in the clinics and our hospital in west- have a "mission to America". I quickly InowthatwhatIhaveasaernEthiopiacalledGimbieHospital.found a new group of people to minis-believe result of my tour in in Ethiopia is aI remember those I worked with vividter too. Not long after my work began formofPTSD(Posttraumaticstressmemoriesremaining.ThosepeopleIin Denver, Icame to find on my job disorder) It did not make me dysfunc- workedwithwerethepoorestofthea new group of people to minister to. tionalasitmightwithsomepeople.poor and there were few witnesses toThese people came seemingly in large Iwasleftwithindeliblememoriesofour work to care for people. I remem- numbers to the clinic I worked in in thingsthathappened.Icanstillseeber the joy and satisfaction of givingDenver. I encountered a daunting and medication, food, blankets and cloth- life transforming task: taking care of ing to those in need. The best treat- people infected with the HIV virus. I ment I found for my PTSD was to helphadneverseenpeopleinfectedwith asmanypeopleaspossible.MywifeHIV in Africa, as it was early in the The best treatmentand I were never the same as a resultepidemic there in Ethiopia. Now there of the people we helped. was a major challenge to my medical I found for my PTSDWedecidedtoapplythethingsweskills.Thetaskwastotakecareof learnedinAfricatoourworkherepeople with a strange new disease and one which was a formidable challenge.was to help as manyinAmerica.WedecidedtodoallweI will write in a future article about could to help people here as we did in people as possible. Ethiopia. thenewillnessthatchallengedme Oneofthecrucialthingswesawand that confronted me and indeed all is that we were still missionaries butthe medical profession. Dr. Conner BLACK HISTORY SERMONMis-Education of the Negro The Word of GodWords from the InsideG reetingstoallofyouwhoare reading the BOC News paper, and especially to those of you who continu-ally submit teachings and information to inspire and educate us. A New Year is upon us and may GOD\'S blessings be on each and everyone of you. Many ofushereattheDenverDetention Center,andinDOChaveourheart andmindsetongreatexpectations from the LORD. This \'New Year 2020 `` is the Year of vision. The Word of God says "where there is no vision the people perish " (Proverbs 29;18a)AsthisNewYear2020is unfoldingbeforeourveryeyes,we areexcitedandexpectingtoseea mighty move of God as we journey intoto pass in the last days, that I will pour thisNewDecade.TheEvangelical/out my Spirit on all flesh ; your sons Christian and political atmosphere isand daughters shall prophesy, Young alreadybeginningtochange.Manymenshallseevisions,Youroldmen ofushereontheinsideofconfine- shall dream, dreams, (Acts 1: 17) Many mentarebelievingGodtopouroutof us have been spending hours study-His Spirit on the Body of Christ borning the word of God, fasting, praying again christians, and to see a powerfulandhearingHisvoice.Thisisthe manifestation of His presence, touch- Year of Vision 2020, and as we write it ing lives, saving souls, and raising updown. make it plain, and wait for the people to proclaim the gospel messageappointed time, we wait for it, because with power and authority!itwillsurelycome.(Habakkuk2:3) The Word of God says, It shall comeGodisraisingupmenandwomen in these places of darkness that have been given dreams and visions to go forthandproclaimthemessageof salvation,deliverance,healing,and See a powerfulrestoration. The Word of God says;" who hold the manifestation of Hiskey of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one presence touchingcan open". (Revelation 3:2) There will bemenandwomen,thoseforgotten lives, saving souls,and those who God has been preparing for such a time as this. Many of us are excitedaboutthisNewYearbecause By Carter G. Woodson, actions.Youdonothavetotellhimand raising upwe are coming out of the darkness and not to stand here or go yonder. He willas His light shines on those of us that The Father of Black History Month find his "proper place" and will stay inpeople to proclaimare born again we will together bring it. You do not need to send him to theglory and honor to The King of Kings T heproblemofholdingtheNegrobackdoor.Hewillgowithoutbeingthe gospel. and Lord of Lords. As we pray for you; down,therefore,iseasilysolved.told. In fact, if there is no back door, heremember those incarcerated as if you Whenyoucontrolaman\'sthinkingwill cut one for his special benefit. Hisweretogetherwiththem.FromThe youdonothavetoworryabouthiseducation makes it necessary. Inside Out. 6 FEBRUARY 2020 BOCNEWS.com'