b'ADVERTISEMENTYour Children I Will Save I saiah 49: 24 NIV poses this question. Can captivesgram. It teaches our youth the biblical perspectiveRegistrationFeeis (ourchildren)berescuedfromthefierce?Theand the pitfalls of starting a family outside of mar- only$30.00!Sessions answer is YES! I will contend with those who contendriage. The Purity Code teaching also takes a look atareoncepermonth with you and your children I will save. Isaiah 49:25what life challenges exist when that happens.9:30am4:00 pm R.E.S.C.U.E. ThatistheMissionofAfterGodsBannered Host Ministries will begin its 8th suc- Comeandmeetthe Own Heart presented by Bannered Host Ministries.cessful season of equipping our children, to Fightstaff and see for your-Our desire is to rescue our youth by teaching thethe Good Fight of Faith to be the Head and Notself! principles of Responsibility, Empowerment, Serving,the Tail. Our dynamic program is for children agesBanneredHost Commitment,Understanding,andEthicalValues10-16.WeareacceptingApplicationsNOWwhichMinistriesisa501c3 and doing so through biblical life application. Martincan be submitted online at our NEW INTERACTIVEOrganization staffed by Luther King Jrs dream was for all children, all gen- WEBSITE: www.banneredhostministries.orgvolunteersacrossthe erations to have equal opportunities to live and eatThe program will kick off March 21, 2020 @10:00Denver Metro and sur-from the same table of liberty, justice, and righteous- am at our NEW LOCATION 15290 E. 6th Ave, Unitrounding areas.ness as a never ending stream. (Amos 5: 24) Pastor Mike Spivey270(ChambersOfficeCentre)AuroraCo80011 TheAfterGodsOwnHeartpro-gramequipsouryouthtodojust that. We teach the youth life skills they need to be equal to anyone else in this world. Our program includes Finance,CollegePreparedness, Nutrition and Fitness, Self Esteem, Job Readiness, and Self Defense! Our children are being introduced to,overwhelmedandvictimizedby the world of gateway drugs, sex traf-ficking,pornographyontheinter-net,suicide,vaping,andcriminal acts of senseless violence. This is the cruel reality of eating from the wrong table.OurSpiritualWarfareclass teacheshowthebibleaddresses everysituationtheycouldpossi-blyencounter.HumanTrafficking and Truth about Drugs teaches our students how to protect themselves from becoming victims of these cir-cumstances.InPsalms23:5NIV, Davidwrites,Youprepareatable beforemeinthepresenceofmy enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. At this table life is taught for the heart, the soul, and the mind. It is critical that our preciouschildrenbetaughtwhich table of life to eat from.Consider, 1 Samuel 28: 7-25 KJV regarding King Saul who: Eats from the table of the witch of Endor Sits of her bed Makes covenant with death Surrenders his strength and his lifeThe systems of Man, have it twist-ed,andaresettingtraps,snares, pitfalls,disasters,andcalamities againstourchildrensfuture.The Purity Code is the core of the pro-We teach the youth life skills they need to be equal to anyone else in this world. Our program includes Finance, College Preparedness, Nutrition and Fitness, and more!BODY OF CHRIST NEWS FEBRUARY 2020 7'