b'SCRIPTUREA Call of God, More Servants NeededBy Al R. Combs thechurchoftheLaodiceanswrite,point of death, even the death of the IKNOWYOURWORKS,thatyoucross. Phil 2:8 - WHY??? Becauseare neither cold nor hot.So then,God Resists the proud but gives Grace A sImentionedinlastmonthsbecause you are lukewarm, and nei- to the HUMBLE. Therefore, Submit to article in this BOC Newspaper, mythercoldnorhot,IwillvomityouGod. Resist the devil and he will flee assignmentforthepastforty-eightoutofMymouth.Becauseyousay,from you. Again, can the church say, years has been/is: to be a conveyor/ I am rich, have become wealthy, andAMEN?channel of the BREATH of my LORDhaveneedofnothinganddonotBeloved,ILOVEAllofYou!!!You Jesus Who is called the Christ. ForknowthatYOUAREWRETCHED,might wonder - why I would say some-All Scripture is given by INSPIRATIONMISERABLE,POOR,BLIND,andthinglikethat.Yousee,beforethe ofGod[InspirationmeansGodNAKEDISTANDATTHEDOORLORDSaved/GaveHisLifetome, Breathe]. Over the years with my walkAND KNOCK. If anyone hears My voiceIdidntloveanybody,Ididnteven withmyLORD,Hehasbroughttoand opens the door, I will come in tolove myself. Therefore, anything thats myattentionthatthepurposeofahim and dine with him, and he withAdmirable/Good about me, its from/body is to Express Personality! YouMe. of my LORD - Jesus, Who is called the see folks, we are persons without ourBrethren,letsconsider:notChrist.I hear a song: [Saved by His bodies. Man is a Spirit, has a Soul/ many wise men AFTER THE FLESH,powerdivine,Savedtonewlifesub-Personality, and God has placed bothnotmanymighty,notmanynoble,lime, Life now is sweet My joy is com-inside a body. But, to express who weARE CALLED:WHY??? That NOplete, For Im Saved! Saved! Saved!]are as persons in this worlds environ- FLESHshouldGLORYinHispres-ment, we need bodies. And, God saysAl R. Combs ence. I Corinthians 1:26-29 - God isNow unto Him that is able to keep to us in Scripture, we are the Bodythe ONLY ONE worthy of this GLORY!!! youfromfalling,andtopresentyou ofChrist.ThereforeChristian,ourfaultlessbeforethepresenceofHis divine assignment/mandate from GodMyDearlyBelovedBrothersandGlory with exceeding Joy, to the only istoExpressthePERSONALITYofYou call me Master, and LORD; andSisters, one of the greatest attributesWiseGodourSavior,beGloryand Christ! Can the Church Say, Amen? you say well, for so I Am. If then I beingthatJESUShasexampledforusisMajesty,DominionandPower,both Now,letshearfurtherwhattheyour LORD and Master, have washedthat of HUMILITY:And being found innow and ever. Amen. Jude 24-25LORD has to say: your feet; you also ought to wash oneappearance as a man, He HUMBLEDa bondservant of Jesus Christanother\'s feet. For I have given you anHimselfandbecameobedienttothe ButJesuscalledthemtoHimselfEXAMPLE, that as I have done to you, andsaid,Youknowthattherulersso YOU DO ALSO.~ John 13:13-15of the Gentiles lord it over them, andSinceourLORD/Masterand those who are great exercise authoritySAVIORJesus,whoiscalledthe over them. YET IT SHALL NOT BE SO AMONG YOU; but whoever desires toChrist, had the Spirit of a SERVANTMy Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters, become great among you, let him be[or slave who washed the guests feet], yourSERVANT.Andwhoeverdesiresthe Highest Honor/Function of ALLone of the greatest attributes that JESUS tobefirstamongyou,LETHIMBEin the Church/Body of Christ is to be YOURSLAVEjustastheSonofthat of a SERVANT. we are toldhas exampled for us is that of HUMILITY:Man did not come to be served, but toIn Revelations 3:14-20, SERVE, and to give His life a ransomhow God Sees the Laodiceans Church: for many. ~ Matthew 20:25-28 AndtotheANGEL[messenger]of G ospel Explosion 2019 was the First of it\'s kind. All who attended were blessed to see the Body of Christ come togethertoprayandpraiseGodtogetherasone Body.TherewerePastor\'sandpraiseteamsfrom severaldifferentdenominationsallovertheCity, praisingandprayingtogetherattheDenver City Park. The man with this vision is Bishop Staccato Powell. His vision is simply to bring the Body of Christ together for the purpose of building the Kingdom of God. The Word of God says "Iron Sharpens Iron" and this isexactlywhathappenduringthis3 nighteventthattookplaceon September10th,11thand12th. We will continue praying together as One Body. Keep a lookout for our next gathering. BODY OF CHRIST NEWS OCTOBER 2019 15'