b'SERMONFirst Aid for the SoulBy Marjorie B. Lewis, Ph.D., D. Min. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, for- up to seven sneezes).The reason for this is due to bearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle- a release of the neurotransmitter Endorphins which ness and self-control. Against such things there isstimulate our brains capacity to transmit pleasure P erhaps some of you see the title of this articleno law. (Galatians 5:22-23) withthrough our central nervous sys-comical.Some of you are probably wondering,When we are out of linetem.what is she talking about now?!!!Actually, the con- ourCreator,weexperiencetheWhenwestartasneezeitis cept will make sense by the end of this article, orirritant ofvulnerabilityWe feelverydifficulttostopit.This perhaps this series (not certain how long it will takenaked,unsure,irritated.Theisjusthowitworkswhenwe to finish this.) followingscripturesharessomestartordesiretospeakwith Sneezing is more than a notion.It can be a greatscenarioswhichwouldcauseGod.Wemayattempttosup-metaphorinstructingourbehaviorwhenitcomessuchirritation.(HmmPerhapspress this desire, but it eventu-toallowingGodtoworkthroughus.Soletsgetsoon we will look at these fromally comes out.Perhaps we are started a Mental/Behavioral Health per- embarrassed to let it out whether Thereisonetheoryregardingtheoriginationorspective) through a sneeze or confession.saying God Bless you when someone sneezes.WhileThe acts of the flesh are obvi- Forexample,whenwearein it is not the most uplifting, it is important to estab- ous: sexual immorality, impuritysocialsettings,andwesensea lish the authenticity of any tradition, especially whenanddebauchery;idolatryandsneezecomingon,thereisthe we are about to write on the topic. witchcraft; hatred, discord, jeal- painoftheanticipationbefore I read that when we were plagued with plague, aousy,fitsofrage,selfishambi- thesneeze,andthentherelief symptom that one had contracted it was sneezing.tion,dissensions,factionsandafter.The relief is there in spite Therefore, when we encountered someone sneezing,envy;drunkenness,orgies,andof any social embarrassment that we would wish a blessing for them to stay healthy bythelike.Iwarnyou,asIdidwe drew attention to ourselves.either avoiding or overcoming the plague that mightbefore,thatthosewholivelikeOurphysicalreactionssup-beset them.Perhaps it is seen as superstition, butthis will not inherit the kingdomMarjorie B. Lewis port this.According to Boyer, an the intention is GREAT. of God. (Galatians 5:19-21) ear nose and throat specialist at The above explanation regarding the response ofWithoutexaminingeachofthe University of Minnesota the God Bless You to Sneezing, is a perspective thatthese issues, which is outside of the domains of thismuscle tension that builds up in your chest causes establishes hope in what many see as hopeless situ- article, I am certain that we all agree on at least apressure,andwhenyousneezeandthemuscles ations.Perhaps it is reasonable to conclude whenfew of these situations causing irritation, discomfort,relax, it releases pressure. Anytime we release pres-we sneeze we are signaling our need for support andshame and guilt. sure, it feels good.divine intervention. How do we recover from such a state?RememberShe said its like the high you get after an intense Considering the process of sneezing adds anotherthe first scripture of this article.We confess, we giveworkout.I say it is like the high we get when we dimensiontotheconceptofBlessing.Whileweour decisions associated with our irritation, and vul- confess our shortcomings to God.respondwithGodBlessYou,perhapssneezingisnerability, shame and guilt to God with confidenceWeknowthatthisfeelingofwell-beingwhether indicative of what it takes to receive blessing, par- in the fact that God will deliver us from the ramifica- from sneezing or confessing releases the neurotrans-ticularly from God. tions of our behavior.God will give us peace, andmitters, endorphins, which cause our bodies to feel Lets consider the following scripture other forms of deliverance from our situations. good,Endorphinsstimulatethebrainspleasure If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just andI am certain that those of us who practice confes- centerwill forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrigh- sion, know exactly how this feels.It brings peace, teousness. John 1:9. confidence, hope and joy.It restores us to enjoy- Onceasneezestarts,weusuallycantstopit One explanation of sneezing included the determi- ing the Fruit of the Spirit (previously cited).We arebecause its a reflex. The stimulation starts, sends a nation that it is caused by irritation.This irritationblessed because, We sense hope.We sense safetysignal to the brain that theres something irritating to the mucous membranes can be very distracting.and protection inside the nose,Perhaps it is the same with confes-UsuallyexamplesofsuchirritationsresultfromSneezing works the same way for our Body.Insion.allergy to pollen, dander or mold.Lets step out ofthiscontext,sneezinghelpstoprotectourbodiesFinally, Boyer said. Sneezing is a reflex response the traditional interpretation of sin, which is nebu- because through the nose it clears the body of cer- to protect us more than anything, Perhaps it is the lous at best. tain bacteria and viruses.It is cleared through thesame as confession.Perhaps that is why we remem-Instead, lets see sin as attitudes and/or actionssaliva and mucous we force out of our noses andber the scripture,we engage that are outside of the Will of God for ourmouths.lives.It is an action or thought which moves us fromMany of us feel a sense of well-being or feel goodI gave an account of my ways and you answered enjoying the Fruit of the Spirit, after a normal sneeze or sneezing process (generally,me; teach me your decrees. (Psalm 119:26)ThisscripturealongwiththerestofthisPsalm reinforcesthemotivationforthesacramentof Confession, because it is Good for the Soul.Whenever we sneeze, let it be a reminder to us of the impor-When we start a sneeze it is very difficult to stop it.This is justtanceofConfessionforthesakeofourSpiritual, Mental, and Emotional Health. how it works when we start or desire to speak with God.We mayIF YOU WANT A BLESSINGJUST SNEEZEattempt to suppress this desire, but it eventually comes out. Marjorie B Lewis can be contacted at: mblewisenterprises@gmail.comGiving God The Glory .from page 4hopes? friends,weareteachingthemabout Iwillclosebysayingthatmywifethe true love and forgiveness of Jesus. andIhavebeenthere,manyyearsWe are sounding the alarm andpre-ago, trying to promote our demo CD.paringthewayfortheLord.Weare Thank God that my best friend got meteaching about the signs of the times, straightened out on that. Now, we havethe Coming of our Lord, the pre trib beengoingintotheprisonsforoverrapture of true believers, modern day 23 years. We play and sing the goodcontemporary error, and to help them oldpraiseandworshipsongsalongunderstandtheJesusoftheHoly withsomecontemporaryChristianBible.music as well. Most who are in prisonAre you going to be in the spot light have never heard Christian music. Wewhenyouministertoothers?YOU clearly let them know that this is notBET! But you are also going to be in aperformancenorisitatryoutforthespotlightwhenyoustandbefore AmericanIdol.It\'sjustamessageofJesusChristoneday.Whatisthe hope put to a melody with a few cords. messagethatyouarebringing?Are What message are we bringing withyou preaching, "It doesn\'t matter when the music? We for sure aren\'t going inJesus comes, we are all going anyway." theretotakeupanofferingnorare wetryingtopromoteanalbum.NoContinued on Page 228 OCTOBER 2019 BOCNEWS.com'