b'BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAGAZINE95 YEAR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION HONORING DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have beenand the Colorado Black Round Tables programYesterdays Dream 95yearsoldJanuary15,2014.Thenationis Todays Nightmare with a unique talk and panel discussion led also mourns the January 2024 death of hisby Dr.Lee Butler, new Pres. of Iliffs School of Theology, January 13, youngestsonDexterKingthatdiedthis2024, followed by the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliances monthfromprostatecancerat61yearsWorship with Colo. Gov Jared Polis and Colo Congressman Joe old. The 39th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr.Neguse as key speakers.At this event, Dr. Thomas Mayes, GMDMA BusinessAwardsLuncheon,hostedbythePresident honored NFL great and University of Colo. Head Football ColoradoMLK,Jr.CommissionwasheldinCoach Deion Prime Sanders, former Denver Mayor Hon. Michael Denver, Colorado, January 2, 2024.A sell outHancock, and Colo. community icon Dr. Syl Morgan-Smith January crowd of business, political, community and14,2024.Andin-spiteofverycoldandsnowyweather,the non-profit agencies came together to honorCommissions Marade led by Dr. Howard was successful, January peers, business associates, and to provide15, 2024.collegescholarships.Keyawardswere presentedbytheMotheroftheColorado MLK Holiday- the Honorable Wilma J Webb, former Denver First Lady and Colorado State Legislator that wouldnt take no for an answer untilandafter10triesshesucceededin passingColoradosbi-partisanlegislation establishingtheColoradoMLKHoliday.Her husband the Honorable Wellington E. Webb, formerDenverMayorandStateLegislator had tried four times to pass the legislation, butfailedinfourattempts.LadyWebbis the Founder and Chair Emeritus of theMLK ColoradoHolidayCommission,andtoday, Dr.VernHowardisthechair.Business, governmentandnonprofitsreceived awardsandPeggyWortham,community activist received theTrailblazer AwardPriortotheColoradoMLKHoliday CommissionsBusinessLuncheon,the CommissionsAnnualHumanitarianAwards and Concert occurred at Boettcher Concert Hall, January 9, 2024.There were numerous MLK events held, which included John Bailey BOCNEWS.COM3'