b'SOUL CARE GOSPEL CENTER CELBRATES 26 YEARSApostle Pastor Sandra Powell was joined by clergy,passed away earlier in 2023. Everyonewanted to ensure churches, family and friends to celebrate Soul Care Gospelthat Apostle Sandra Powell enjoyed some saintly days filled Center Churchs 26th Anniversary, her 40 years of pastoralwith special love. Participants enjoyed great preaching, service, and also her 75th Birthday. This was the first timemelodious music, and grand fellowship culminating with a that these celebration were held without her late husband,delicious buffet for all to enjoy at the church without cost. Apostle Lawrence Powell, Soul Cares Chief Apostle, who ORAL HEALTH KEY from page 10hypothesis suggests that as gum dis-Diabetes amountofsugaravailableforusein easeprogressesindividualsaremoreDiabetes is another condition linkedbloodstreambyimmunecellswhen likelytoexperiencetoothlosswhichto oral health. Some research suggestsfightinggerms.Peoplewithdiabetes alterstheirabilitytoconsumefiberthatgumdiseasecanmakediabetesalready have difficulty controlling their rich grains, fruits, and vegetables. Inhardertotreatandcanpredisposebloodsugar,sowhensomeonewith turntheyarelefttoconsumefoodsanindividualtodiabeticcomplica- diabetes develops gum disease, he or highinsolidfatsthatincreasetheirtions. For example, part of the bodysshe can have even more trouble man-risk for atherosclerosis and heart dis- immuneresponseistoincreasetheagingtheirbloodsugarduetothis ease complications. CONTINUTED ONBOCNEWS.COMfollow us onfacebook 11/23 11'