b'ForthegiftsandcallingofGodenduringwordsofpraiseinallolder, I lied to be accepted by peers. liedbecausehedidnottrustthat are without repentancehistory flowed out of himbecauseLying is the oldest sin in the bible.God was in control of the situationRomans 11:29 of Gods grace and worthiness, notSatanliedtoAdamandEve,andconcerning Jesus. Davids. AdamcontinuedtheWheneveryou G odgivesusgiftsandabilitiesJacob did not get away with hislie by trying to blameandItellalieitis tobeused,andHedoesnotdeception, because God had a planEveforhisownsinbecauseatsome takethembackbecausewemakefor that as well. Jacob was driveninsteadoffacinguplevel we do not trust mistakes. out of the camp of his family andtotheconsequences.thatwehavebeen ThelineageofJesusisdottedinto the wilderness, and eventuallyThefamilyfibbingacceptedbyGod withmanyimperfectpeople.Thehe landed destitute in the home ofcontinueswhenandsoproceedto list in Luke (3:23-38) includes liars,his lying and conniving uncle Laban.Cainliedabouthisseek the approval of prostitutes,murderers,andotherForyearshewassurroundedbybrother Abel, who heothers.Mybrothers less-than-perfectpeople.Buttheydeception,includingbeingtrickedhadmurdered.So,and sister But God wereallpeoplewhomGodusedoutofmarringtheloveofhislifetheissueoflyingisour Father is faithful! insomepowerfulwaysandtheandbeingtakenadvantageoftogenerationalaswell.Bestrongandof blessingofGodpassedthroughincrease Labans wealth. Abram was bitten bygoodcourage,fear them.Rahab,aharlot,savedherSo why do we lie? Well, we couldthesamebug,too.not,norbeafraid family and married into the familyblame it all on the devil, who is theNo sooner had Abram.(Deuteronomy of Israel. Ruth was a Moabitess, afather of lies (See John 8:44) Butreceivedtheblessing31:6) pagan, but she became the wife ofin reality, lies originate from a fearandpromisesofSatan wants us to Boaz and the grandmother of David.of rejection or of harm of some kind.GodwhenheliedbelievethatGodis DavidplottedthemurderoftheWhen I was little girl, I lied to avoidtoprotecthimself.notthereinthesetryingtimes. husband of a woman with whom hebeingrejected(punished)bymyFacedwithpossibledangerfromGod always has our best in mind. committedadultery,yetthemostparents and so did you. When I gotthekingofEgypt,AbramsliedGodwillalwaysaccomplishHis andsaidthathiswifeSaraiwaspurposewhereweareconcerned. his sister. (Genesis 12:11-19) WhenWhatever God speaks, God will do. faced with the same threat, AbramsWe have no reason to fear. And He sonIsaacalsoliedabouthisownwill even use imperfect people like wife.(Genesis26:7)Manyothersyou and me, we must trust God and liedlikePeter(Matt26:69-70)tonever doubt Him. avoid danger and Peter was one of So why do we lie? Well, we could blame itthe chosen few twelve disciples. Hewillsurelybringusoutof whateverweregoingthroughHes Peoplerightnowalloverthe all on the devil, who is the father of lies.worldistellinglies,ineveryonesdoneissomanytimesalready. Trust God.neighborhood,workplace,political But in reality, lies originate from a fear ofleaders, in our homes with friendsHappy Mothers Day!andyeseveninthechurch.At rejection or of harm of some kind.the root of our untruthfulness is aDr.PMWynnGrove& mistrust of God. Adam lied becausePastorLeeGroveJr.arethe he did not trust God to forgive hm.FoundersofHeavenlySent AbrahamliedbecausehedidnotMinistries.Forcontactemail: trustGodtoprotecthim.Peterpmwynn9@msn.com 2 MAY 2022 BOCNEWS.com'