b"SCRIPTUREDeceivedBy Dr. Sandra Powell christian ignore the passages that speak to thiswe try to persuade others! What we are is plain to so concisely!!! God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience!!The bible teaches that we have a real enemy,Dont be nave & don't be deceived!!!Despite I f the scriptures so clearly describe the comingalthough recent surveys showtheenemysbestattemps, judgment, how can so many who claim to bethatmostamericanchris- there is still a very faithful-tians dont even believe in thesized remnant of those of us devil anymore!!! who, as apostle Paul puts it, Wouldntitmakesenseknowthefearofthelord thatSatanwouldwantusand'passionately'persuade todoubtthatjudgmentwasothers!!!coming?? Thoughthenumbersmay It is the most terrifying orappear to be dwindling, there Let your manner of life bethe most glorious moment inis still an army of those who every humans existence, yetarefearfullyconvincedthat worthy of the gospel ofwe give it little thought!! theywillappearbeforethe judgment seat of Christ!!!Overthesepastdecades, christ, so that whether Ithe devil has done a master- Now,ifyouwereSatan, ful job of distracting us andhowwouldyoudiscourage come and see you or amtaking away the fear of judg- them??Well, you could keep ment!! them from the one thing God absent, I may hear of youBeloved,whenisthelastsaid, that would actually save people:unity!!!timeyoumetsomeonewho that you are standingwaspassionatelywarningSondra Powell Philippians 1:27-28 says:people about judgment day? Onlyletyourmannerof firm in one spirit. 2nd corinthians 5:10-11 assures us: life be worthy of the gospel of christ, so that whether I come and see you or am For we must all appear before the judgment seatabsent, I may hear of you that you are standing of christ, so that each of us may receive what is duefirm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad!Continued on Page 15Since, then, we know what it is to fear the lord, BODY OF CHRIST NEWS OCTOBER 2021 9"